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Cloaked by Alex Flinn

    Title: Cloaked

    Author: Alex Flinn

    Published: HarperCollins, 2011

    Pages: 256

    First Line: "There once was a shoemaker who worked very hard but was still very poor."

    Summary: I'm not your average hero. I actually wasn't your average anything. Just a poor guy working an after-school job at a South Beach shoe repair shop to help his mom make ends meet. But a little magic changed it all.

    It all started with a curse. And a frognapping. And one hot-looking princess, who asked me to lead a rescue mission.
    There wasn't a fairy godmother or any of that. And even though I fell in love along the way, what happened to me is unlike any fairy tale I've ever heard. Before I knew it, I was spying with a flock of enchanted swans, talking (yes, talking!) to a fox named Todd, and nearly trampled by giants in the Everglades.
    Don't believe me? I didn't believe it either. But you'll see. Because I knew it all was true, the second I got cloaked. (Taken from Goodreads)

    Thoughts: Cloaked by Alex Flinn is a fairytale mash-up retelling of sorts.  It’s quite interesting and one good thing was that at the start of each chapter was a quote from a fairytale story and that fairytale story is the one related to the chapter.

    I quite enjoyed Cloaked and one thing I noticed was that in Beastly by Alex Flinn there is a chat part for people who were transformed into animals and one of them is a frog who used to be a prince so I wondered if it was a kind of reference to the character Prince Philippe in Cloaked.  Could be but it’s just an interesting little tidbit.

    There were a couple of the fairytales that I didn’t know in the book but one really awesome thing in Cloaked was that there is an explanation of the tales.

    As for the story itself, I found it to be really fun and incredibly entertaining.  It’s the kind of book you’d read if you’re a fan of fairy tale retellings and/or are looking for a light and fun read.

    There was only one thing that annoyed me about Cloaked and that was how slow on the uptake Johnny was.  I mean, it was necessary for the development of the story but it was just so frustrating that there were so many things right in front of him that he didn’t notice but were so plainly obvious.  Seriously, at times I just wanted to shake Johnny.

    While most of the story was predictable it was still a really fun read and I wonder if Alex Flinn will write any more books about fairytale retelling I’ll definitely be reading them.  In saying that, I still have A Kiss in Time to read.  However, Cloaked is a really good book worth a read.

    Source: Library
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