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Does My Head Look Big In This? by Randa Abdel-Fattah

    Title: Does my Head Look Big in This?

    Author: Randa Abdel-Fattah

    Published: Orchard Books, 2007

    Pages: 360

    Summary: Sixteen-year-old Amal makes the decision to start wearing the hijab, the Muslim head scarf, full- time and everyone has a reaction. Her parents, her teachers, her friends, people on the street. But she stands by her decision to embrace her faith and all that it is, even if it does make her a little different from everyone else. Can she handle the taunts of "nappy head," the prejudice of her classmates, and still attract the cutest boy in school?  (Taken from Goodreads)

    Thoughts: Not being very knowledgeable about the Islamic religion I was intrigued by this book and I wondered how it would be.  I really enjoyed it.  Amal is a typical Aussie teen (well what I imagine an Australian teen to be anyway) and the only thing that makes her different from her friends is that she is a Muslim and so she decides to wear a hijab full time as part of her faith.

    Does My Head Look Big in This takes the serious and makes it light.  There were so many funny moments and then there were the sad moments.  There were moments when I was laughing out loud about Amal’s antics.  Then there were moments where I wanted to stand up for Amal and tell people to buzz off.

    Amal is a really awesome character and she seemed quite realistic, in that she did have her flaws, she wasn’t perfect.  The supporting cast were all very realistic too.  Adam in particular seemed to be an interesting character.

    I think that this book is quite a good introduction to some aspects of the Islamic faith.  It was quite an enjoyable read and very light.  If you are looking for something light that delves into Islamic religion then I think you’d enjoy Does My Head Look Big in This?

    Source: Borrowed
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