Title: Sleeping Beauty: Vampire Slayer
Author: Maureen McGowan
Published: Silver Dolphin Books, 2011
Pages: 320
Series: Book 2, Twisted Tales
First Line: "Sunlight streamed through the floor-to-ceiling windows lining the western-facing wall of the palace's reception room."
Summary: In this thrilling story full of adventure and romance, Sleeping Beauty is more than just a lonely princess waiting for her prince—she's a brave, tenacious girl who never backs down from a challenge. With vampire-slaying talents that she practices in secret, Sleeping Beauty puts her courage to the test in the dark of night, fighting evil as she searches for a way to break the spell that has cut her off from her family. In a special twist, readers have the opportunity to make key decisions for Sleeping Beauty and decide where she goes next—but no matter the choice; the result is a story unlike any fairy tale you've ever read! (Taken from Goodreads)
Thoughts: Sleeping Beauty and Vampires. Not two things I ever expected to read about in a book together. But now I have and I think that Maureen McGowan pulled it off beautifully. I wasn’t entirely sure how the idea would work but it actually made a lot of sense when I read the book.
Source: NetGalleySource URL: https://free1image.blogspot.com/2011/04/sleeping-beauty-vampire-slayer-by.html
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Author: Maureen McGowan
Published: Silver Dolphin Books, 2011
Pages: 320
Series: Book 2, Twisted Tales
First Line: "Sunlight streamed through the floor-to-ceiling windows lining the western-facing wall of the palace's reception room."
Summary: In this thrilling story full of adventure and romance, Sleeping Beauty is more than just a lonely princess waiting for her prince—she's a brave, tenacious girl who never backs down from a challenge. With vampire-slaying talents that she practices in secret, Sleeping Beauty puts her courage to the test in the dark of night, fighting evil as she searches for a way to break the spell that has cut her off from her family. In a special twist, readers have the opportunity to make key decisions for Sleeping Beauty and decide where she goes next—but no matter the choice; the result is a story unlike any fairy tale you've ever read! (Taken from Goodreads)
Thoughts: Sleeping Beauty and Vampires. Not two things I ever expected to read about in a book together. But now I have and I think that Maureen McGowan pulled it off beautifully. I wasn’t entirely sure how the idea would work but it actually made a lot of sense when I read the book.
I liked Lucette, she was strong and willing to fight for her rights and she just generally kicked butt. I wasn’t so fond of Tristen at first but in the end I started to think he was alright as a character. I did think that Alex was a great character though, I admired the way he was and just thought he was a great addition to the character cast.
I like that you get to choose what the character decides at different parts of the book. It’s really entertaining and it lets you read through the book more than once just to see what other pathways you could’ve taken to get to the end result. While this was really fun I couldn’t help but feel if I made a certain decision the author would then kind of turn my choice around to point me back towards what I’m meant to be heading towards. I think if it was done more subtly than it was it wouldn’t have bothered me so much.
Either way, Sleeping Beauty: Vampire Slayer is a good addition to the retellings of fairy tales genre it also makes a pretty cool vampire novel. If you like either of these two things then I highly recommend you check out Sleeping Beauty: Vampire Slayer.
Source: NetGalleySource URL: https://free1image.blogspot.com/2011/04/sleeping-beauty-vampire-slayer-by.html
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