Piranha Nightclub Hot Flash Dances!
4633 Paradise Rd. Las Vegas NV 89169
Saturday, November 20 · 6:00pm - 10:00pm
Start holiday shopping early at Hot Flash! Lori Morgan from Park Lane Jewelry ( www.myparklane.com/ljmorgan ) will be on hand to get your jewelry orders for the holidays. All jewelry will be buy one get one half off.
We will also be having a free raffle. Sign up for the raffle at the door for free prizes.
Get a second free raffle ticket when you donate non-perishable food or women's gently worn clothing appropriate for job interviews and the colder weather.
Source URL: https://free1image.blogspot.com/2010/11/hot-flash-dance-parties-at-piranha.htmlVisit free image for daily updated images of art collection