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February Wrap-Up and Contest

    Usually I'll post about the books I read for this month and things like that, but I'll just do a quick summary. For February I read a total of 20 books and I received a total of 9 books, which is awesome because my tbr pile is being diminished little by little.

    This month, at Everything to do with Books, things are going on hold. When I say going on hold I mean, we're throwing down our reviewer's caps and putting on the party hats. As March is the month of celebrating. For us anyway, and you too. All month long we will be having several contests which involve you, and involve different activities everyday. Except tomorrow. Tomorrow will just be a ground rules to all contests day. But then after that, you are free to join in with the celebrations wholeheartedly.

    To celebrate our blogoversary, Scarlett and I are having an extravaganza. What does this mean for you? Well we will be having a lot of contests, but there is indeed a catch. A good one though. Each contest will be different and there will be certain criteria which will need to be met as to gain entries. In other words there'll be challenges, quizzes and all sorts of fun things. So for today's contest see below:

    Rules: Open to anyone (Any country and you don't have to be a follower) 

    This is a comment contest, the person with the most comments wins Posts included are the ones including this one until the 30th March inclusive. 

    One comment per post 

    If enough people enter there will be more than one winner 

    If 20 people enter I will add another book winner and so on for every 20 entries. 

    Contest closes Midnight March 30th GMT+12 (See the clock over in the left sidebar)

    First place will receive a copy of Boys That Bite by Mari Mancusi.
    All you have to do is comment on any posts from here on in and fill out this form. If you don't fill in the form you can't be counted sorry.

    Scarlett and I put a lot of hard work into thinking up ideas for what to do for contests and we tried to go for a something for everyone approach. There are still going to be some reviews of books this month but a lot of them will have contests attached.

    So let the games begin!Source URL:
    Visit free image for daily updated images of art collection

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