1. Taste of water & love of a person“The taste of water can beenjoyed only when we are thirsty..!”Same way,“The Love of a Personswill be known when we are Alone”2. We Dont Succeed In Our 1st Love!We Dont Succeed In Our 1st Love!Becoz We Lack Certain Qualites.ButAfter Achieving Those Qualities,We Never Love Again!3. Love is like playing the piano.Love is like playing the piano.First you must learn toplay by the rules,then you must forget therules and lay from your heart.HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY4. Super most example of love.The Super most example of love in My life.‘When apples were 4 & we were 5,then my mother said,‘I dont like Apples.’(Bu Ali Sina)5. The person who loves uThe person who loves you a lotwill always do TWO things EXTREMELY for youSilently CARING..&openly HURTING..to make you PERFECT..6. Effect of loving or hating personsLoving hundred wrong personsmay not even effect your life,buthating one right personwill leave you a brokenthroughout your life. . .!7. God made us body parts for a reasonGod made us body parts for a reason.Eyes : to look at youHands : to pray for youMind : to remember youHeart : to miss youand…Legs : to kick you if u ever forget me!!
Source URL: https://free1image.blogspot.com/2010/02/valentine-sms-messages.htmlVisit free image for daily updated images of art collection