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Bookish Webs

    This months bookish web is LibraryThing. I only recently discovered LibraryThing but already I think it's a really interesting site. You can use it personally or as an organisation as a book cataloguing tool.

    Everything about LibraryThing is set out really neatly and I found it quite easy to maneouver my way around the site. I also noticed one very good thing, on the main page there is a link for a tour of LibraryThing and it is actually really helpful and it is very good. If you want to check it out just go here.

    Another thing I wanted to point out was the Common Knowledge section and how it contains a lot of facts all to do with books and their authors and anything related to the books. It's quite hard to explain entirely the best way would be to check it out here.

    While there are some very cool things about LibraryThing I have to point out that you can only catalogue 200 books unless you pay a certain fee to become a member. There's more information about that on the privacy policy found

    Overall, I do think that LibraryThing is a really well set out and organised site. I personally don't have a librarything account as of this moment.

    While searching around the site I also found the LibraryThing Early Reviewers Program. More info on that can be found here.

    More info on the entire site can be found here.

    If you have any ideas for Bookish Webs that you'd like me to mention visit this page for more info or sign up here!

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