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    After yesterday's review I wanted to write up a little explanation post/ this would make an interesting discussion post.  I think I should explain how I feel about endings.

    I'm not always a fan of happy endings thats true but I love endings that make the whole book.  To me the ending is the most important part of the book.

    To me, the ending can pretty much make or break a book.  Now don't get me wrong, I don't just judge books on the endings.  But if a book has an absolutely brilliant ending then I will love it even more than if it had a bad ending.

    I think as a HUGE mystery fan, I love trying to guess the ending and then when the ending is completely unexpected it makes the book that much better.

    When talking about ending types I think my favourite type of ending would be a twist ending.  I love completely unexpected twist endings.

    I do have a list of books that have some of the best endings ever (in my opinion):

    The Rag and Bone Shop by Robert Cormier

    Animal Farm by George Orwell

    1984 by George Orwell

    I think my favourite book ending would be Animal Farm, I'm not entirely sure why but I just think it's a fantastic ending.  It's perfect and I will never ever forget it. If you've read Animal Farm let me know what you think of the ending.

    I think thats the end of my little rant about Endings. I'd love to know some of your thoughts on them.Source URL:
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