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Perfect by Sara Shepard

    Title: Perfect

    Author: Sara Shepard

    Published: New York : HarperTeen, 2007

    Pages: 298

    Series: Book 3, Pretty Little Liars

    Snippet: "Suddenly, she knew exactly who A was."

    Summary: After their missing friend's body is found and another of their friends commits suicide, four former best friends live in fear of their secrets being exposed by someone who is stalking them via their cellphones.

    Review: After reading the first book in the Pretty Little Liars series I was interested.  After reading the second book in the series I was addicted.  I think that now I've read the third book, Perfect, I am obsessed.  I simply cannot get enough of this series and I want to read more and more.

    I'm glad I started this series later than earlier. I find myself having to read the next book straight after I finish the one I've just read.

    Perfect is amazing.  I wouldn't go so far as to say it was perfect but I would say it was getting pretty close to it. I am truly blown away.

    Some of the people I wanted to shake some sense into, others I feel so sad and so sorry for.  Like why can't A just let these girls live their lives! A is truly annoying me.  I want to know who you are A!!!

    Oh and I really like Lucas, he seems so cool.  He'd definitely be someone I'd like to hang out with.  I hate how he was treated at one part because I had a feeling what was coming next would come.

    The ending was such a cliffhanger that I really want to know more.  I hope that what happened isn't the end of things.  If you've read it you'll know what I'm talking about.  If you haven't, I refuse to spoil it for you.

    Well, there is only one thing I can do now that Perfect is over and I'm at the end of this review; and that is to pick up Unbelievable.

    Source: LibrarySource URL:
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