"I love you Papa. I know I am very rude at times but my love for you is endless. I cannot survive in this world if I don't have your support and love. Please forgive me for my wrong deeds.""Dad, wishing you a box of happinessFor today, tomorrow and alwaysWith all my love!""Today, like many other days, brings warmest thoughts of you, and all the ways you brighten life for others all year through. That's why this greeting comes to bring a special wish your way, to hope that happiness and love will fill your Fathers Day. Warmest Wishes for my Dad!""Happy, Happy Happy Father's Day!"No one has a father so sweet.Your kind ways just can't be beat.Happy Happy Happy Father's Day;I love you in a big big way!""Happy Fathers Day to youDay to you, Day to youHappy Fathers Day to youI Love You!!""Hugs and Kisses just for youJust for you,Just for youHugs and Kisses just for you.Daddy I Love You!""Father's Day is a very special day.Here's a great hugand lots of kisses too.Each one says -I love you!""You've seen me laughYou've seen me cryAnd always you were there with meI may not have always said itBut thanks, I love youHappy Father's Day""I want to tell youHow much you mean to meBcoz you are alwaysThought about in such a special way,And do so much to brighten any day.Wish you a Happy Fathers Day.""Dad you are never wrongThe only time you are wrongis when you think,I forgot about you.Love you Dad!Have a grand Father's Day!"
Source URL: https://free1image.blogspot.com/2011/06/fathers-day-messages.htmlVisit free image for daily updated images of art collection