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30 Books in 30 Days Challenge

    This challenge is hosted by Cait at The Cait Files.  After my post about trying to narrow down my reading pile, and also having a month off uni very soon I have decided that I will participate in this challenge because it looks fun!

    The rules are basically, from today, the 1st of June to the 30th of June you try and read 30 books.  Other than that Cait has made the rules pretty relaxed.

    So this is my post and I will be updating this post every day of June so check back if you're interested in my progress.  I will link to books I review for the challenge and to motivate myself to do the reading I have made a list of books I plan to read.  It isn't a full list as I will be picking up some random books here and there no doubt.  However, this is my list:
    1. The Last Days by Scott Westerfeld

    2. Zombies Vs. Unicorns

    3. Ladystar: The Dreamspeaker by W. Scott

    4. Fanfare by Renee Ahdieh

    5. Daimon by Jennifer L. Armentrout

    6. Before Versailles by Karleen Koen

    7. High School Heroes by James Mascia

    8. Sacred Evil by Heather Graham

    9. The Stranger by Albert Camus

    10. Passing Strange by Daniel Waters

    11. Forgotten by Cat Patrick

    12. That Certain Summer by Mary Verdick

    13. Lonely Deceptions by D. R, Willis

    14. Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout

    15. Choker by Elizabeth Woods

    Needless to say, I will be adding more books as I read them.

    Here is where I will be posting my daily updates:
    Day One: I started reading Does My Head Look Big in This by Randa Abdel-Fattah and I read some more Zombies vs Unicorns.  I didn't finish any books though.

    Day Two: I haven't finished any books yet but I'm fine with that because I am reading quite a few books at the moment.  I have taken into consideration already that I have work to do  and that my holidays don't begin until the 10th of June. I read some more of Does my Head look big in this? and Zombies vs Unicorns.

    Day Three: I still haven't finished any books yet but it is only day three and I have some shorter books I can manage two in a day with sort of thing.  I read a little bit of Does My Head Look Big in This?  and I read some more of Zombies vs Unicorns.

    Day Four: Success!  I have finished one book.  I finished Zombies vs Unicorns which was awesome!  I also finished Does My Head Look Big in This? by Randa Abdel-Fattah.

    Day Five: I spent quite a lot of today reading and I ended up finishing Zelah Green by Vanessa Curtis and Summer's Crossing by Julie Kagawa.

    Day Ten:  I am finally on holiday and at this point I am 6 books behind so I will be having a few catch up sessions but at the same time I am doing a readathon next weekend so hopefully I can get caught up then.

    Day Eleven: I finished another book today, The Abandoned by Amanda Stevens.

    Total Books Read: 5

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