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  • AFPoster
    Mar 22, 12:38 PM
    The US was not founded on Christianity, and some 2,000 book written by man about an invisible man in the sky should not be basis for law.

    Our Founding Fathers believed in God, proof alone is the pledge of allegiance "under god". Yes our country was founded on christian belief. Hate to say it, but it's true!

    As for the invisible man in the sky I have no clue to what you are referring.

    funny posters motivational. funny motivational posters.
  • funny motivational posters.

  • Silentwave
    Jul 14, 02:55 AM
    The BDR-101 is actually a writer as well as a reader, and to be fair at $1000 [or rather around �650.00 over this side of the pond] it's pretty well priced when considering the cost of the first batch of DVD writers, eg. the Pioneer DVR-S201 authoring drive that retailed at a whacking cost of �12,000! General media writers were by definition significantly cheaper, but I recall purchasing our first DVD-R writer at a cost of around �350.00, with DVD-R5 blank media at around �15.00 a pop - so the economies of scale, etc., IMO makes BD at a pretty good starting point.

    As for the Sony BD story I feel a lot of people are indeed watching how well the PS3 takes off to then try and validate the outcome and success of BD. But as you rightly said it's historic and as with the PS2 being such a huge success story which then solidified the consumer need for DVD as a new medium; certainly in Japan the green lights shone very brightly for DVD as a consequence of the PS2 success story!

    But all in all personally speaking I hope BD wins; from a technical viewpoint it's able to offer a lot of new and quite exciting features that aren't possible on HD-DVD. And I know my next statement is probably going to cause controversy but HD-DVD is [in simple terms] simply a DVD-Video, but with larger capacity! I know that's generalising A LOT!!

    Yes, HD-DVD requires a lot less re-tooling for replication houses, which in turn means it's cheaper to bring to market BUT BD has a lot to offer and I hope and prey it's given a chance!

    Anyway, here's to hoping... ;)

    While im all for BR, I don't think the PS3 will be the #1 promoter for it, and I don't thnk the PS2 did all that much. For a few weeks maybe it was my only DVD player when another broke or when we moved one into another room to make way for a new one that hadn't arrived- but really it is limited- not necessarily going to be the best quality BR player, and to be honest, people will buy it because it's a game console. I think that in the future it will be multipurpose devices yet again, yes, but of a different sort. I'm now on my 2nd DVD burner TiVo and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I've burned over 60 DVDs worth so far. If someone makes one Blu-Ray, i'll be all over it as soon as I can afford it. And who knows, the tech savvy may head more for media center computers to drive their home theaters?
    So while I think that devices with multiple funcitons will have an effect here, I don't think the PS3 will drive BR to domination on its own.

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  • funny poster. motivational

  • jholzner
    Jul 19, 04:03 PM
    Where are all you "Apple is doomed" sayers now?:p :D

    Apples sells ~4 Million Macs per quater. That's ~16 Mio a year. Given a 4 Year Life time that's "only" ~64 Mio Mac's installed, maybe more. That should be enough to keep developers happy.

    So ADOBE, release those f#$%ing universal binaries NOW!!!!

    Huh? Apple doesn't come close to selling 4 million Macs per quarter! They sold just above 1.3 million this quarter.

    funny posters motivational. Worry Motivational Poster-No
  • Worry Motivational Poster-No

  • Mac Fly (film)
    Nov 30, 05:51 AM
    My guess would be too much cost for such a small market. There's not a lot of 1080p content out there and even less 1080p displays. For a first gen device, I think 720p would be good enough. Maybe even 480p if it's cheap enough.

    Although, in the end it'll probably depend on bandwidth limitations. They never said what protocol they'll be using. Some are assuming 802.11n, but that would limit them to the newest Intel Macs with a firmware upgrade.
    What if the iTV did both, which it will? B, G and N. They would offer the same quality download to start with. Broadband connections haven't reached acceptable levels for HD movie downloads in 1080p etc. So as is, if you have an intel Mac, all it means is that the video, movie etc. will shoot over to your TV a heck of alot quicker. The name's gonna be "Teleport" by the way.

    funny posters motivational. funny posters motivational.
  • funny posters motivational.

  • miloblithe
    Sep 6, 09:30 AM
    Comparing the prices of the new iMacs and the Mac mini is absurd. The killer
    feature of the mini is its form factor. Wake me up when you can use an iMac
    as a file/download server placed in your desk drawer.

    Fair enough, but what about those of us who want to buy a general purpose computer? (Probably most people)

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    Jul 19, 08:38 PM
    Source? :rolleyes:

    "super secret apple rumors" :D

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  • sineplex
    Sep 28, 01:41 AM
    My dermashot case came in on Friday.. been using it since.

    My initial thoughts - this case looks cheap and has a loose feel.

    My thoughts now - the case has a nice style and even though it is not as snug as it should be, it fits fine. It has not fallen off at all and has a real nice feel too. However, the included screen protector was junk. Had way too many bubbles. Even after applying many times, that didn't help. I now like the grip of the case. I also like how the case comes up around the menu button.

    Overall, I'm very satisfied with it. For $20 with free shipping, it was a decent deal. The case also comes with a little stand that holds the iPod horizontally (not vertically at all), so you can watch movies and not have to hold it. It's a nice little added feature.

    Hope this helps others who are on the fence.. ;)


    Thanks for that Bill, I'm waiting for my incipio case to be delivered. I guess I'll get the SGP screen protector instead.

    funny posters motivational. motivational posters funny.
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  • Storm9
    Oct 13, 10:54 PM
    Thanks! I'll try it on my work computer, its a quad.

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  • Funny Poster Pictures amp; Funny

  • knightlie
    Jun 23, 03:21 AM
    The Magic Trackpad � � would allow for multi-touch on desktops, enabling many iOS applications to be used on a desktop computer (and obviously laptops could do the same thing with their trackpads).

    Not necessarily. iOS apps need to be touched directly, without a pointer acting as intermediary, whereas a touch/track pad is used to control a pointer on the screen.

    Touch screen and touch pad do not have to perform the same function. To enable iOS apps, the Magic Touchpad would need a screen on it, which would turn it into... an iPad.

    funny posters motivational. Math-- not even once
  • Math-- not even once

  • snebes
    Apr 19, 04:37 PM
    Nothing mind-blowing there...but forget about Lion, it's coming later in June.

    No, its coming in the "Summer". Expect it in August. Be surprised if it is early.

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  • NAG
    Jan 12, 04:26 PM
    Air is real

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  • Funny Motivational Posters.

  • way2l84sanity
    Jul 18, 02:01 AM
    Does this mean a new Video Ipod will be releaed also at the WWDC??
    and if the rumors are true about the mac pro being announced also, that's alot of new goodies from Steve.
    I don't like the rental model, it could find it's way into the music downloads. A $9.99 movie download at good quailty would be realy attractive. (too own)

    funny posters motivational. funny posters motivational.
  • funny posters motivational.

  • codymac
    Apr 20, 04:23 PM
    What argument? My main point is that I hate driving, and a manual transmission doesn't help me enjoy it any more than an automatic.

    That not all the manuals you've driven have been, bluntly, crap cars to begin with.

    funny posters motivational. motivational-funny-posters-3-8
  • motivational-funny-posters-3-8

  • Chundles
    Oct 23, 08:16 AM
    Don't you end up spending so much money on tax when you enter the UK again that it isn't really worth it?

    Not if you open it, load some stuff onto it and take it through customs in your carry-on. Get rid of the box and nobody can say that you didn't buy it in the UK and are just coming home.

    funny posters motivational. motivational-posters-funny-01.
  • motivational-posters-funny-01.

  • cube
    Mar 24, 02:04 PM
    There are few PCIe lanes in Thunderbolt. You cannot do heavy graphics.

    funny posters motivational. Fat People Motivational Poster
  • Fat People Motivational Poster

  • Stella
    Mar 19, 04:50 PM
    I will accept this 'protection'.

    Most of the players in this drama do not directly gain anything from Libyan oil.

    The direct gain is to stop the price of oil from rising.

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  • motivational poster

  • rKunda
    Sep 20, 11:19 PM
    I also still don't get how CR can give it the highest overall rating and not recommend it.

    IMO, it's down to their perception of their rep. and pride. They can't just come out and say "we were wrong" so they have to dig in.

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  • Funny Captions To Brighten

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 23, 02:19 AM
    Using your example, couldn't they do that with the GPS tech in most fones today simply by saving your location info in a server side database? I wouldn't put anything pass these companies and govt today.

    you can turn off the GPS in a phone and most people assume that when you do it stops tracking you yet as it already been shown it just starts storing info base the cell towers.

    I just do not like the fact you can not opt out of it. It just feels wrong to me.

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  • motivational funny poster

  • Benjy91
    Mar 27, 01:30 PM
    I don't think touchscreen games/consoles could ever completely replace traditional ones. A separate market, yeah, sure. But button-and-joystick consoles won't be going anywhere anytime soon.

    Also, every time LTD posts I have a hard time discerning if he's trolling or not.

    I have often wondered this, but I think it's too much dedication for a troll, but having looked at how he behaves, calling Steve Balmer "Monkey Boy", referring to Microsoft as "Micro$oft" or "Microsuck, he calls Windows "Windoze" or "Winblows" like a small child.

    He immediately bows down and worships any decision Apple makes. He also thinks that Apple should be above the law because of "Their supreme awesomeness"

    From this behaviour I've determined that he has to be about 14 years old.

    Aug 29, 09:33 AM
    No to Merom in the mini. Core Duo in both models and a significant price drop. They are supposed to be low end machines, so give them a low end price point.

    Nov 15, 11:23 AM
    My Wife and I each have a ton-o-spam to process, and leave our Mail.apps open all the time. uses up a full core for a few minutes at a time (G5 2.0GHz). So occasionally the computer is fully loaded just from the suckiness of It's very distruptive to doing anything else on the computer -- watching videos becomes very pretty much impossible. The kids sometimes leave their Safaris pointed at some flashy website which, between the two kids, takes another half-core.

    Eight cores makes me think seriously of upgrading.

    Nov 25, 03:34 PM
    New glasses. First time for me, astigmatism correction takes some getting used to, but I think they look good:

    may i suggest a case for when you're out on the road

    Mar 22, 12:43 PM
    Which anti-war groups picket veteran's funerals? The only group that I'm aware of is the Westboro Christian anti-gay Church.

    I don't think it's a group like that church is, but mere people gathering to picket anything military. In Santa Barbara, CA they go up and down the streets with signs saying "oppose the military", "attack a veteran", "praise there death since it's what they deserved", etc.

    Jan 12, 08:07 AM
    If this machine is truly is what the rumour suggests then what is the point?

    A thinner MacBook that doesn't have any CD drives?

    There has got to be some information that is missing.

    Cool name though!

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