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grassland food web

    grassland food web. Food Web
  • Food Web

  • DewGuy1999
    Apr 10, 04:34 PM
    When I learned to drive in the mid-70s we were taught on automatics in Driver's Ed, as far as I know there weren't any manual transmission cars as part of the program, but I think we were "taught" about them in the book portion of the class. I drove automatics from that point on.

    Fast forward to the mid-80s and I was going to buy my first new car, an 1985-1/2 Ford Escort and since gas was at the astronomical price of $1.20-1.30 per gallon I wanted a manual transmission. I had a friend who had a 1985 Ford Escort so I asked him if he could give me a basic lesson, we spent about an hour one afternoon on the back streets with basically zero traffic, but I learned the basics.

    Bought the new Escort and for my first real drive (I didn't test drive it) drove it back home from the Dealership approximately 15-miles, covering stop and go city traffic up to highway speeds of 55mph. I was a bit rough on takeoffs for the coming weeks, occasionally stalling it or lurching about, but I got better. Backing up took a while longer to get the idea of but that eventually came to me.

    One funny memory I have of those early days, it that my wife (then girlfriend) and I were attempting to leave a local department store's parking lot. I always tried to use the less frequented exits and streets as I wasn't very good with takeoffs at first. To compound things this store's driveway went slightly uphill to the street. Oh-oh, I'm sure you can see where this story is going. Every time I tried to accelerate forward the car would start rolling backward, I didn't understand the friction point on the clutch yet, so I pulled up the parking brake to hold the car in place and told my wife, "when I say now release the parking brake", she did when I told her and I was able to get the car to move forward and out on to the street without rolling back into the car behind us. :)

    I had that car for 12-years. It's the only manual transmission car that I've ever driven. I miss it. :(

    grassland food web. grassland food web
  • grassland food web

  • Proud Liberal
    Aug 16, 09:54 AM
    I have no interest in downloading music on the go or waving around my songs wirelessly.

    How about an iPod where we actually increase the quality of audio instead of compromising how everything sounds for the "latest" features. Now we put in even more weak audio components to make up for the lack of power because of a wireless feature.


    How about an iPod with increased capacity so that we can actually increase the quality of the audio instead of compromising how everything sounds for the "latest" features.

    grassland food web. Animal+food+web+picture
  • Animal+food+web+picture

  • balamw
    Sep 7, 12:01 AM
    It seems to me that the distribution of 480i content is pretty much settled. Netflix and Blockbuster do this well and at very competitive prices. I can't see that Apple would benefit much from trying to compete there.
    I agree with you, except for the fact that Netflix already carries both BluRay and
    HD-DVD formats, so Apple would be directly competing with them in HD videos.

    My 2 720p HDTVs are salivating at the possibilities...


    grassland food web. African grassland savanna food
  • African grassland savanna food

  • Linito
    Aug 25, 01:02 PM
    Hope the new mac minis have a new face... since the change to intel it's been all pretty much the same, the macbook pro and the mac pro are almost identical to the old ones:(

    Come on apple get CREATIVE:p

    grassland food web. The grassland biome.
  • The grassland biome.

  • Bromac
    Sep 27, 11:05 AM
    I donot know what i can say

    Get the 4. It's awsome!!!!!Everybody gets a cover for there iphone anyways. You will not be disappointed.

    grassland food web. African+food+web+diagram
  • African+food+web+diagram

  • mrkramer
    Apr 8, 01:11 AM
    HA! Do I get another "I toldya so" moment soon??? :D

    General: US may consider sending troops into Libya

    We better not do that, the no-fly zone is ok, but we can't afford and we shouldn't put troops on the ground. If we do this will just turn into another Iraq.

    grassland food web. grassland food web
  • grassland food web

  • mrgreen4242
    Nov 28, 10:43 AM
    OK, this is out of hand... all of you who are complaining about Dell being half the price of the Apple LCDs read the topic that's been linked like 5 times, it's pretty interesting and informative.

    Now, all of you who are complaining about those people complain shut up and listen (or read) for a minute. They aren't complaining that Apple is charging to much for what they are offering, it's that they aren't offering any alternative for non-pro users. There are people who want, and would pay a bit more than Dell prices, for a similar piece of hardware with Apple's quality and design, but they aren't willing to pay 50%+ more for a professional grade piece of hardware.

    A 17" consumer line of displays would solve the problem without negatively effecting the pro line of hardware. If it sold well (and I'm betting it would, especially if it was the same panel as the 17" iMac with a USB2 hub, iSight, and built in speakers in an iPod styled casing for ~$249) a 19" with the same features but a higher res (although all the 19" widescreens I've seen have had the same res as 17" WS ... someone must make a 19" panel with res between 1440x900 and 1680x1050) for ~$349 or so it'd really fill out Apple product line to meet the needs of all consumers, "prosumers", and real pros.

    grassland food web. A Food Web Old Prentice-Hall
  • A Food Web Old Prentice-Hall

  • spencers
    Feb 23, 02:41 PM
    Fantastic setup, would love to get those speakers, I'm in the UK also, what make/model of speakers ?

    Elegant setup. What speaker is that?
    Stop being lazy and click the Flickr link he posted and you'll find out. :p

    grassland food web. forest this with food web,
  • forest this with food web,

  • eidrunner247
    Sep 6, 09:43 AM
    The 24" iMac can be upgraded to a 7600GT video card. Anyone know how decent that is? What about the x1600?

    grassland food web. Grassland Animals Information
  • Grassland Animals Information

  • awraisch
    Sep 5, 09:05 AM
    store back up . . .no update?

    grassland food web. a grassland ecosystem are
  • a grassland ecosystem are

  • AvSRoCkCO1067
    Aug 24, 05:58 PM
    I thought Yonah and Merom are basically the same cost-wise. That's why everyone thinks including merom in new systems won't raise the price of those systems. I could be wrong.

    They will be - at least initially - but Intel will undoubtedly lower prices on the Yonah chips shortly, making a cheaper Yonah-based Mini feasible.

    grassland food web. food web for recognition
  • food web for recognition

  • twoodcc
    Apr 26, 10:37 AM
    congrats to whiterabbit for 14 million points!

    grassland food web. xxnx Grassland food web
  • xxnx Grassland food web

  • Ubuntu
    Nov 29, 06:52 PM
    In fact - that comparison is a little early. Make the same one in 5 years.

    I am wondering how the comparison for the XBox vs. Playstation vs. others looked like some days after the initial start.

    My thoughts exactly.

    I'm all for the iPod, I'm happy with my 8GB red nano, but come on people, give the Zune a chance. Many of you are being petty, and I think that this is a stupid comparison.

    There is only one Zune model anyway, are they comparing it to the countless models of the iPod?

    Is that fair?

    Are iPod Shuffles included? Is that fair, considering the price?

    I can't access the link for some reason.

    grassland food web. Grassland, Desert, Forest,
  • Grassland, Desert, Forest,

  • ImNoSuperMan
    Aug 29, 09:02 AM
    Mac mini not getting Meroms might also mean MB wont get Meroms any time soon too. Hopefully Apple will put Meroms in MBP only. So that I can sell my MB without much loss and buy a merom MBP:D

    grassland food web. grassland savanna food how
  • grassland savanna food how

  • aafuss1
    Sep 6, 10:10 PM
    Is the 160GB BTO HD perpendicular?

    grassland food web. Grassland food web diagram
  • Grassland food web diagram

  • BoyBach
    Jan 6, 06:25 AM
    I predict:

    iLife '07 - 'Coverflow' integrated into iWeb and iPhoto, new & improved iWeb features, more themes for iMovie and iDVD.

    iWork '07 - Pages and keynote updated, plus a spreadsheet app to take over from the now defunct Appleworks.

    An extended Leopard preview, some new features and possibly a new UI(?)

    iPod and iTunes - more movie studios added to the store, also available outside the US, slight revision to iPod range (increased storage?) - full-screen iPod event to follow in a month or two for full media coverage effect.

    iTV - named and demoed, available today (but shipping in a month!)

    One more thing - the Apple phone (all of those rumours must mean something)

    I'm probably completely wrong, but I would be happy with movies and maybe TV shows on the UK iTunes Store!

    grassland food web. grassland food web photos
  • grassland food web photos

  • baddj
    Apr 2, 07:32 PM
    Love this ad makes me want to buy one. only if there was stock on Australia.

    grassland food web. African savannah food chains
  • African savannah food chains

  • quagmire
    Mar 6, 12:18 PM
    That's true, though there have been a few successes, like the Ford Focus.

    We won't see the success of the global Ford Focus until the 2012 Focus. Before the new model, the American and Euro Focus were completely different. Only thing they shared was the name.

    grassland food web. national park food web
  • national park food web

  • Irishman
    Apr 20, 08:18 AM
    A 6800m would be a downgrade. Keep in mind the current imac with the 5750 is actually a 5850m. 6850m is a downgrade from a 5850m, though only slightly. There are only two cards they could use that are upgrades over the current one and that's the 6950m and the 6970m.

    I would also hope for the 3.4ghz i7-2600 sandy bridge processor.


    Jan 11, 05:15 PM
    i highly highly doubt they are calling it the "macbook air." that's borderline laughable. i am willing to bet the phase "there's something in the air" is referring to the soon to be announced rental service, not a piece of hardware. apple is making an obvious attempt to eliminate physical mediums altogether, first cds with mp3s and now dvds with downloadable vids (both via the itunes music store). everything will be available "in the air" or "up in the cloud," if you will. i'll be damned if they name their next product the "macbook air." c'mon people...

    Sep 6, 11:04 PM
    It seems to me that the distribution of 480i content is pretty much settled. Netflix and Blockbuster do this well and at very competitive prices. I can't see that Apple would benefit much from trying to compete there.

    How high-def content is distributed, on the other hand, is far from settled. In fact, the world of high-def video in 2006 looks a lot like the world of digital music in 1999; a technology consumers clearly want, but an emerging technology mired in competing standards and confusing technical details. Apple must have noticed that similarity.

    I've had a beautiful 720p TV for eight months, and have yet to actually see anything in 720p on it. The closest I've come is hooking my MacBook up to it and watching quicktime trailers. I'm not going to buy a Blu-Ray or HDDVD player until the standards war is over and the players cost less than $300, and that's not going to happen until late 2007 at the earliest.

    If I could buy a movie in 720p from the iTunes Music Store and watch it on my TV next Tuesday night I'd do it. Sure it'd take a few hours to download. But the alternative is to wait at least a year.

    Nov 28, 11:46 AM
    I don't think I've seen a single Zune ad on TV since its launch.

    Oct 23, 10:31 AM
    Tuesday Release!!!!

    lets hope!! apple usually does them around tues.

    Sep 14, 04:13 PM
    Maybe RIM or Google bribed consumer reports :eek:

    My iPhone 4 works perfect as do my friends.

    CR sucks

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