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  • entatlrg
    Feb 27, 11:35 PM
    SO what is carrying all your lovely gear? :)

    Looks like a 13" STM bag.

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  • toddybody
    May 2, 09:29 PM
    Consistency is "cool" and all...but I'm one of these weird people who like traditional file structures, trashcans, mice, keyboards...ya know, all that old foggie stuff;) And for the love of Caprica 6, please don't let this be a hint to future touchscreen Macs. I already get OCD when my iPad/iPhone looks like the windows of a school bus.

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  • kainjow
    Jul 19, 08:55 PM
    Uh, I don't see how anyone can really use Netflix seriously.

    With Netflix, you can't just say, "Let's watch a movie tonight." You have to plan ahead your movie schedule. Netflix will die once iTMS comes alone. It's all about instant instant instant.

    I've used Movielink twice so far (Windows only), so I have some "experience" with online movie rentals. Let me tell you, it works well. And if Movielink works well for me, I'm sure iTMS will make it 10x better.

    I'm pretty psyched about iTMS rentals. If Apple does it, I'll be using it all the time. It will once and for all remove the problem with Blockbuster/Netflix/etc where often the movie you want isn't available (i.e. new releases).

    Also, Movielink allows you to watch the movie after only a few minutes of it loading (just like streaming), so you don't have to wait for the entire thing to download. It works pretty nice (besides the fact that you have to use it on Windows).

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  • Thirdeye9
    Apr 11, 09:18 AM
    All this discussion is apple's cap of tea for :) because we don't speculate if there is any mp3 player better than classic ipod. The only enemy of apple is apple.
    I have now big problem, because i ve got Nokia C7, which has everything i would like from ipod touch, but ipod classic is not a really good choice for me... the only thing i apreciate in it is an enormous hdd, but due to its communicating only via itunes - i can't use it for different files than multimedia. If i could store there other files i would buy it. So i hope Apple will release new model with OS which will solve the problem :)

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  • uNext
    Jan 1, 11:16 PM
    I want new displays & new airport extreme.

    Just this weekend, I went to my local apple store. I was extremely close to purchasing a 23" lcd display and the airport express. But then my sub-conscience voice started to talk to me and advised me to wait just 1 more week, to see what apple will offer. I cant wait for this event to roll around
    and get no sleep in anticipation of what will be released it happens every year.

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  • Miker2k
    Jan 12, 11:53 AM

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  • theBB
    Jul 19, 04:33 PM
    This is actually the general trend in the computer market since the rise of
    portables against desktop machines. Portables are becoming increasingly
    powerful (computational-wise) up to the point that the line between them
    and Desktops is blurred.
    Yes, laptops are getting more popular, but I don't remember other companies losing 23% of desktop sales in one year. I guess Apple sells few computers to companies who might be buying a bigger share of desktops nowadays, but still...

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  • stevehp
    Oct 23, 08:23 AM
    please let this be true. I've had enough of waiting and these posts are too much to handle every week!

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  • macidiot
    Jul 19, 04:33 PM
    When the "real" machines are out, Vista will be out as well. Unless Leopard has revolutionary improvements, the difference between Windows and OSX+iLife would be much less than that it is today. I would still appreciate the UNIX under the hood, but I doubt most consumers care. If Mac sales or market share starts to come down a bit due to fewer switchers, the share price could easily crash.

    Vista vs. Leopard is a moot point. There is enough pent up demand for high end desktops to fuel growth for some time. Switchers aren't material in this market. Besides, desktop buyers aren't waiting for Leopard, they are waiting for universal binaries from Adobe.

    Vista will have zero near term effect. The simple truth is that you won't see widespread adoption of Vista for at least 12-18 months. And that is assuming Vista actually ships when it is supposed to. Which is no sure thing.

    As for the consumer, what they care about is stability and security. imo, that is what is getting switchers. Your right that they don't care how it's being done. However, Vista will be far more secure than xp when it comes out. At least for a month or so. It will take at least a few weeks for good malware to come out for it...

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  • budman1961
    Nov 27, 07:06 AM
    What do you think of this drive?

    I have that drive in my mid-2010 MBP 15" 2.66, and I am impressed. 50 second cold boot to Outlook full load. App opening is fast, reopening the same app is almost instantaneous. You will take a slight hit in battery, I think less than 1/2 hour or so, but it was well worth it for me.

    Avoid the temptation to restore from a backup (documents only), take the time to reinstall each app, and you will be delighted. I had plenty of time, and did it both ways, restore from time machine, and later app by app. If you have the time, app by app is much better, plus you can really look at what you have installed over time, and purge what you no longer use.

    Well worth the $$! :D

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  • roland.g
    Apr 19, 11:10 AM
    Free upgrade to Lion when it releases?

    Doubt it. Not unless you are talking about the 14 day or announcement window. Probably along the lines of all machines purchased after WWDC Lion announcement and prior to release have option to get upgrade disc for $9.99 shipping. Unless at WWDC they say that Lion will be out in October.

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  • toddybody
    Mar 24, 01:48 PM
    There may be space in the Macbook Pros for a non-mobile video card, but the impact to battery life would be way beyond what I think Apple would tolerate.

    IMO both issues are insurmountable. Battery Life would be 15 mins. Sorry man, but no way in HELL could a desktop card (even a small GTX 560) fit in a MBP case...even WITHOUT HEATSINK+FAN. :eek:

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  • Peace
    Nov 30, 09:02 AM
    i just want to know if this will replace the airport express.

    Don't think it will replace the Airtunes but be a product of it's own.
    There will be an updated Airport though..802.11n.

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  • jholzner
    Jul 19, 04:03 PM
    Where are all you "Apple is doomed" sayers now?:p :D

    Apples sells ~4 Million Macs per quater. That's ~16 Mio a year. Given a 4 Year Life time that's "only" ~64 Mio Mac's installed, maybe more. That should be enough to keep developers happy.

    So ADOBE, release those f#$%ing universal binaries NOW!!!!

    Huh? Apple doesn't come close to selling 4 million Macs per quarter! They sold just above 1.3 million this quarter.

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 1, 02:06 PM
    GM had the 4.5 liter Duramax in development for their half-ton trucks, but the economy and their situation canned that. Ford also was working on a baby Powerstroke and Cummins was working on a baby I-6 for Dodge. But, those as well have been canned.

    I actually saw a prototype 4.5 Duramax on ebay about a year ago. A few of them are probably out in the wild somewhere - shame they killed it, it was a good idea.

    The big three had little choice but to cancel a lot of programs in the last couple years due to the financial crisis, but America needs a company to develop a range of smaller diesel engines suitable for auto applications - not the least of which would be a diesel-powered version of the Volt.

    edit: nevermind ... the 163hp diesel is the new 2011 replacement engine for the 150 hp engine in the euro market, so i suspect the old production line of the 150hp version can no produce the engine for the US market

    One would assume GM would use the new engine in any Cruze diesel here in the USA? If, of course, they actually do sell this here. I say do it, GM.

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  • Vegasman
    May 2, 05:58 PM
    That Windows dialog is horrible. Why is there so much info? Are the file size and image dimensions really helping me decided whether or not I want to delete it? And it has the classic Windows "Yes" and "No" buttons (instead of having something useful like Cancel and Delete). If that dialog pops up, you have to squint your eyes and look all over until you see "Delete ..." in the upper left corner, then take a second to make sure "Yes" actually means "Delete". And if you want to cancel, should you hit "No" or the X in the top right?

    That OS X dialog IS NOTHING like that Aero dialog.

    Weird. When I ask someone a yes/no question, I expect a yes/no response.

    Do you understand what I mean?

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  • hunkaburningluv
    Mar 28, 05:24 PM
    I never said it was. You must have me confused with somebody else.

    But since you bring it up... What excites me about Apple's current products is where they could be in five years. I've been talking about it since the iPhone was introduced.

    Imagine having a device that fits in your pocket yet is powerful enough to handle most people's computing needs. I go to the office and drop it in a dock and my LCD screens light up with my environment. I then go home and again I have access to everything again by simply plugging it in. When I'm on the train I can still use it to do email and what not.

    Motorola is partially there with the Atrix but the hardware isn't quite up to the task yet. Give it five years and I think things will be really different.

    Now that doesn't mean that a pocket device will replace every PC, console and server out there. It just represents shift in general usage. While I see this as feasible in the next few years I don't see a major migration away from desktops for at least a decade. This is due more to social constraints rather than technological.

    More back on the original subject:

    So what's to stop somebody making a $20 game pad for iOS? The iPad takes input from the controller and displays info on dual screens.

    Or even a controller that an iPhone or iPod slides into to allow use of the accelerometers in addition to the buttons.

    I don't see iOS ever replacing the consoles just like PCs didn't destroy that market. I can see a lot of overlap in the markets.

    Even so, the number of people that come to these forums just to piss and moan that their OS/phone/PC/console/tablet is better than the iOS device du jour is rather tiring. There is actually an interesting article in the March 2011 issue of Scientific American that talks about this very subject. I highly recommend it.

    Totally agree on most fronts mate. I believe my comments were aimed at another that was quoted my post. I am 100% behind the overlap idea - it'll be used by loads for gaming, but IMO it won't be the only method of game playing, especially for the typical 'core' console gamer.

    I'd gladly pay $20 for starcraft on an iPad, without doubt, that's where I feel touch gaming can really add to the experience - RTS and Turn Basesd strategy game. BUT I feel that in the wake of the few dollar price point for idevice games and their (relative) simplicity I just don't think that it will do well. That may change over the next few years though.

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  • MasonH
    Apr 2, 10:38 PM
    Virtually every unit huh.

    Well I have seen tons of postings all over about 'I got the new ipad' with no mention of said problems.

    I bought one opening weekend for home use and one last week for work with nada. All nine of the cast on my current gig have problem less iPad 2s, plus the office has gotten close to 100 units all with no issues.

    Perhaps by 'virtually every' you mean 'not even one percent of what has been sold' because that is probably the real number

    Every unit I've seen (admittedly only 3 friends but every one in the store) has had it. You won't notice it under bright lights... hence the "none of my office co-workers have it" or "nobody in band class" replies but if you ever watch any movies on it and have the black bars you WILL notice it. Any dark backdrop from any game or wallpaper will show it.

    I've seen some with very little and some with a horrible amount of bleeding.

    Best thing would be to go to the "using your iPad" forum here and see the dozen's of pics that fully show the problem.

    If yours doesn't look like this or if you never have a dark pic or app on it... great!

    But don't claim the issue doesn't exist... Apple's own forum has a monster thread about it and the thread here at MacRumors is HUGE :(

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  • MasterJediDan
    Jan 2, 10:51 PM


    LOL!! Nice :D. Very funny, and very true.

    Mar 30, 11:30 PM
    Urgh, new iCal really is horrible.

    Mar 24, 01:39 PM
    Well, that's because all of Apple's other products are constrained by power and/or space requirements.

    Meh, yes and no. For their integrated desktops (iMac)...pws and space are certainly an issue (especially since it doesn't have an accessibly PCI E slot for heavens sake). Now for MP's on the other hand...I dont think it would be an issue: accessible PCI E slots + ample chassis space + stock PWS capable of handling an HD 5870 or Crossfired 5770's. A 6970 shouldnt be a problem.

    anyways(no snarkiness implied)...who said crossfire wasnt supported? The MacPro CAN be configured with 2x5770's.

    Apr 12, 09:53 PM
    Eh. People bitched about Aperture getting these features too, but so far Aperture's never grabbed me by the neck and forced me to use them. I assume Final Cut will be the same.

    Face Detection worked great in iPhoto. In Aperture it is a PITA even if you want to use it. For instance, I haven't figured out how to say "this is just a cloud, there is no face there, really, don't ask me every time I start up the face detection feature."

    Aug 6, 08:42 PM
    Mac OS X Leopard, Hasta la Vista, Vista


    Jul 19, 11:17 PM
    Dang it, their stock jumped up over 2 points. I was pullling some money together to buy some more! Ugh....oh well, $54 is still lower than it's going to be by the end of the year. :) !

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