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  • miketcool
    Aug 16, 10:01 AM
    They just pulled it off their website a few minutes ago but it was a photo of the wireless iPod!

    I saved a pic of it in my cache and posted for you to see!!!

    It does iTunes and video and the screen is enormous!!

    Full screen iChat messaging is availble with the built in iSight!

    It is also in black!

    I can't wait to get my hands on one of these, looks great for watching movies.

    demotivational posters funny. Demotivational Posters - No
  • Demotivational Posters - No

  • Roessnakhan
    Feb 19, 08:31 PM
    Hasn't changed too much this time around

    How do you like the Dash? Saw one on woot the other day.

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  • demotivational poster Ideas

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 29, 10:59 AM
    Maybe FrontRow 2 (I believe/assume comes with Leopard) is where this will play in. Maybe instead of making a single device and labeling it a media center Apple will allow for any Mac (any new Mac...) to be used as a media center via FrontRow 2.
    I really hope you are correct about FR2 in Leopard. However...
    I do think you need a TV-card in the computer too. Given Apples philosophy about simplicity, I doubt they will have a stand alone TV-reciever. Furthermore, I just can't see Apple selling MP with a TV-card. So my guess is that they will make a dedicated computer. Still I am most likely wrong... as always...:p

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  • demotivational posters, funny

  • appleguy123
    Jun 22, 09:11 PM
    Ah yes. A porn free, tightly censored, code controlled desktop machine. That's what everyone wants right? :rolleyes:

    Actually maybe.

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  • MacMan86
    Apr 23, 07:19 PM
    I'm not the one being quick to shout privacy invasion, it was on every tv news channel and news site...

    Every tv news channel and news site? I certainly wouldn't go that far. And anyway, most tech sites love to post sensationalist Apple stories because they know it draws in the most clicks and hence more ad revenue. Half of the rest just love to spread FUD. Other brits will probably know that from one of our papers called the Daily Mail. They love these kind of stories.

    I dug around the log files of Co Pilot (a popular sat nav app) a little while ago, discovered it kept a log of all the journeys I'd taken with it and the latitude and longitude of all the points along the way. It's not encrypted, it's backed up in iTunes and it's not being transmitted outside the iPhone from what I could tell - exactly the same as this story. Didn't particularly bother me and there's been no public outcry about it. The press love a story like this when it's got Apple's name on it

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  • demotivational posters funny.

  • lifeinhd
    Feb 24, 06:57 PM
    how do you drive a monitor like that? I tought that both HDMI and DVI has respectivetly 1920*1080 and 1920*1200 as max res. ! am I wrong?

    a) I have an older-school MBP (though not the one in my sig, that never actually existed), the DVI port of which is capable of driving up to 2560x1600.

    b) My monitor is 1920x1200. I really wanted 16:10, aaand... this is what was available :p My next monitor, once I get some $$$, will be a used 30" Cinema Display, but that's a couple years out.

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  • rk1991
    Nov 28, 12:08 PM
    Just got back from Mexico and during my time there had a run in with the local police. This is common as hire cars have different colour number plates so the police can easily pick you out of a crowd. Apparently we were 'speeding'. It's all fun and games though. I got the fine down from about $400 US to 1000 pesos. We were warned this would happen when we arrived and should just look at it as an extra 'toll'. I could have probably got it down lower but it was hot and we had a long way to go still.

    At the end of the negotiation you get a form to sign with how much you paid and then you have to sign your name. The document is cleary made in something like Word and it's in no way official....I signed it Ben T Copper! :p

    Corruption FTW!

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  • Object-X
    Nov 28, 04:48 PM
    PS, that isn't hard :rolleyes:
    I just noticed that you are the same person I just (imho) shredded in two different posts above. Care to make a stand against anything I said as a direct response to your points? Or are you just gonna feed off someone else and reiterate yourself again?

    I don't have time to answer your lengthy response point for point at the moment, maybe later tonight.

    So, since my subjective opinion means nothing to you, I offer the following reveiw for your consideration from AnandTech. They compare the Apple and Dell 20" monitors. The link is the last page which has the conclusions, you can read the whole thing if you like.

    The short of it is, in their technical opinion the Dell is better than the Apple. What's that? A "consumer" monitor is better than a "pro" monitor? Say it ain't so.

    So, I'll stick to my guns and say the Apple 20" monitor isn't worth the price they are asking, and they are keeping it high it to encourage iMac purchases over a mini/cinema combo. It's only an opinion. I don't mean to come off like I know more than I do. My opinion is based only on my experiance with both monitors and my own decison making process based on price and budget. Since we can't see the actual sales numbers there is no way to prove/disprove anything.

    Oh, and the Dell was purchased for me by my work, the Apple by me for my home.

    And just a funny aside. The Dell was stolen a few months ago by theives who broke into our offices. They took our Dell monitors and a Dell Precision workstation but left my $2000 Powermac G5 the Dell monitor was plugged into. Go figure. :rolleyes:

    I got a 23" cinema to replace the Dell.

    demotivational posters funny. Demotivational poster of man
  • Demotivational poster of man

  • Kedrik
    Jan 11, 09:04 PM
    I had, or rather still have in a closet, a powerbook 100. It had an external floppy drive and I did carry it around with me, kind of defeating the purpose of the smaller form factor in the first place, so I bought my wife the powerbook 145 which had the floppy onboard. I guess we're now beyond wondering how to get things on the computer without the drive, but it would make sense for a driveless mac to have some super wireless connectivity options? Perhaps connectivity with the home mac in a "go to my pc" kind of way. Apple does own the "go to my mac" domain name. Just a thought.

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  • spillproof
    Mar 22, 04:15 PM
    My roommate has 126ish GB of music. It is really weird to use a click wheel after using an iPhone or touch.

    It would be cool if they updated the software to included AirPlay and bluetooth (same chip, so why not both).

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  • demotivational posters, funny

  • netdog
    Aug 29, 01:09 PM
    Think Secret say no Merom in the Mini so you guys believe it?

    It makes little sense to continue with the Yonah.

    I am suspect of this rumour.

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  • Mr-Stabby
    Apr 12, 10:39 PM
    Some people seem to think that difficult to use = pro. Those are the people use windows because they enjoy fixing problems. Anything to save time is good for anyone, pro or not, and this interface feels like one that wont take much time to get used to. It looks well designed.

    You've hit the nail on the head there. It goes back to the old problem that some pros enjoy having something thats hard to use, because they feel clever/superior using it, knowing that others can't. Releases like this one that make a Pro program accessible to not so skilled people p*sses off these Pro users, because they want to be seen to be the clever ones, the mystical being who can work this very complicated program that no one else can. It's these type of people who come out with the 'Oh well it's not a pro program anymore, hello iMovie Pro" type comments.

    I for one am a professional video editor, and i am extremely excited by this. It's going to be so fun learning this new program! Something new to investigate is always fun. From what i've seen, it doesn't look dumbed down at all.

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  • funny demotivational posters.

  • Transporteur
    Feb 26, 12:25 PM
    1xpain in the ass yellow labrador...

    :D Awesome!

    Great setup by the way. Looks great. Some more high res pictures would be nice, though. ;)

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  • demotivational poster BOND

  • aiqw9182
    Mar 24, 02:51 PM
    So, without using the supplied windows CD/Driver I can simply plug n' play the 5870 intom my 2009 MacPro and it work?! Heck, if you have done it without issues, then I'm tempted.
    Ask for some more info on the Mac Pro board ( or use the search function on MacRumors. My knowledge on it is fairly limited.

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  • Brianstorm91
    Jan 11, 04:54 PM
    But the current MacBook is 13.3" and not a Pro model :confused:

    I call fake.

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  • demotivational posters funny.

  • rjohnstone
    Apr 26, 02:15 PM
    ding ding ding. I agree.

    The store is called the App Store. You can't copy someones store name.

    Yes you can... to a certain extent.
    Two stores can be named the same if the name is generic in nature.

    Apple didn't create the word "App Store". This has been proven in many threads about this very topic.
    They popularized it and then went so far as to even give it generic meaning.
    Steve did that himself. Now he's trying to lay claim to it after the fact.
    Will he win... who knows.

    But nothing is as black and white as many claim to believe it is.
    Trademark law is complicated.

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  • Tags : demotivational funny

  • Krizoitz
    Mar 19, 11:58 AM
    Look, you don't have to call people names....

    I just wanted to state that Apple should go on the Attack !! If it's a wombat then you should go and see Apple's situation outside of America.

    In Australia (where Im from), the market is dead ! Most Apple Stores are large and if you ive in the Country - they don't exist. The rest of Asia is like that.

    In Japan (where I live), alot of people have an Ipod but NOT a Macintosh...

    Apple needs to push the market to get more...

    I'm sorry that you felt insulted by the term, it wasn't meant to refer to you, just the petition idea.

    I have read of the problems that Apple Australia is having os you may have a point there, but from all my contacts in Japan Apple seems to be doing spectacularly well there (and always has), the Ginza store opening is a prime-example.

    Anyhow what you have to realize is that those of us in the U.S. have had to continously put up with this idea that Apple is dying in the media for a long time now, so we tend to be annoyed easier when things like this happens. At least for us, in Apple's main market it is doing great, so we really see no need to "save" Apple. Maybe a Save Apple Australia petition would help more, it sounds like the pricing is outta control.

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  • Tags: demotivational, funny

  • doberman211
    Mar 22, 10:25 PM
    Curious to see some statistics on this.

    yes indeed. i have looked at some high quality SSD drives and bought one from other world computing for fairly low price but is fastest SSD i know of, and the guaranteed lifetime data storage expectancy reaches well over 200 years and the read/write rates remain constant for roughly the first twenty. i think he had it backwards. HDDs lose their magnetic charge after a while and your data fades away and gets corrupted.

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  • OwlsAndApples
    Nov 27, 01:10 PM
    Or get an iMac...:p

    Mar 21, 09:21 AM
    Please sign it !! For our sakes


    Sep 23, 08:25 PM

    Consumer Reports used to influence my opinion, but when they actually rank things I know a little about, I always find fault with their methods and so they really aren't that influential to me anymore. I mean if their methods stink on the categories I know of, they probably stink for the categories I don't know about.

    Sep 1, 03:49 PM
    It has seemed as obvious at almost every point in Apple's history within the past 4 years. That doesn't change a thing.

    Apple had ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS had a noticable gap between its top-of-the-line consumer machine and it's "entry-level" professional machine. As much as I'd love a middle-tier headless Mac, I just don't think it's in the cards.

    The difference now is that there is no crippled Mac Pro. The low end PowerMac was always crippled in some way to the mid and high end. There would always be an old motherboard, slower bus, less RAM...

    This time the machines are consistent all the way across. Why? Because with the Woodcrest/Conroe differentiations they can actually create different categories.

    Pros -> faster bus, 2 CPU (Woodcrest). Mac Pro
    Prosumer -> Mid bus, 1 CPU (Conroe). Mac
    Consumer -> Slower bus, quiet, one piece, slower CPU (Merom). iMac
    Budget -> Slowest, minimalist comptuer, old tech (Yonah). Mac Mini

    Seems pretty obvious. The hole left in the product line is the biggest yet, but the processor steps are VERY clear and not overlapping each other.

    mini (Yonah) < iMac (Merom)< Mac (Conroe) < Mac Pro (2xWoodcrest)

    Nov 29, 05:18 PM
    I know that it's not quite fair to compare the two right out of the launch (a baby product versus a mature one), but MS didn't help themselves by setting up this product to compete directly with the iPod. If they had tried to target a different market (maybe primarily video as opposed to music), they might have more success, and let the hype build from there. But the way they seem to be playing it now, they're going to just throw a lot of money into something that will be in Apple's shadow. It'll offer a compelling alternative to some, but will not necessarily convince too many to become switchers. :p

    Sometimes new things are the Hip thing to buy, but to get a Zune you need 2 things:

    1-Bad Taste
    2-Bad Taste

    Westside guy
    Oct 23, 08:40 AM
    Okay, calm down, I have the real dirt here.

    What's really happening is MacRumors has a 4000 post limit on its threads; it's known about this bug for a while yet hasn't dealt with it. The old C2D MBP thread is almost at 3700 posts now, and Arn is starting to panic... so he's hoping this will resolve the problem.

    I kid, I kid... :D

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