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  • cube
    Mar 24, 02:44 PM
    Uhh, no bro. The CPU and GPU are two separate things, and Sandy Bridge smokes Fusion on the CPU side. If you want to argue OpenCL for all of the zero current day applications it currently has then be my guest and do so. Fusion is DX11? Wow, more vaporware that rarely gets added in modern games due to wanting to be backwards compatible, how exciting!

    Once again, run Sandy Bridge and a discrete GPU if you are really looking for performance. There's your OpenCL and DX11 support that you need so badly. It will smoke anything AMD has to offer.

    OpenCL are COMPUTE tasks. If you can't do them on the GPU, you would need a HUGELY powerful CPU. That's why having true OpenCL means you have a better "CPU".

    In one or two months after Bobcat Fusion was introduced there are already 50 Fusion-oriented Windows apps.

    I'm not taking about DirectX 11 concerning games, but concerning OpenCL.

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  • shrimpdesign
    Aug 7, 12:03 AM
    I predict the Mac Pro, Xserve and a kick-ass preview of Leopard.

    And I dobt any consumer items will be introduced (iPod, iTablet, iPhone) .. but they can surprise me if they want!

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  • imnotatfault
    Aug 19, 08:29 AM
    You step into your car. The bluetooth receiver in your dashboard automatically detects the presence of your iPod. The finger controls on the steering wheel switch from controlling radio stations to stepping through playlists etc. It "just works". No cables. No need to even take the iPod out of your pocket or bag.

    Yea, imagine this scenario if you will. Michael spends $20k on a 2006 Honda Civic EX with supposed iPod integration. He comes to find out that "integration" apparently means a plug that costs $250 + installation fee to play iPod through speakers and does NOT integrate with his CD player that reads mp3 CD ID3 tags. Instead, a crappy synthesized voice "reads" the track titles to him.

    God, the sad thing is that that is real life.

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  • mealex
    Nov 29, 11:24 PM
    I think iTV will have the feature of showing your Keynote presentations right right there, how easy and cool would that be. Never have to sit at a Mac again to show that presentation, just a few click by with the Apple remote. By the way I am surprised I never heard of this on the internet, it just seems logical to me to be added as a feature.
    Anybody got a clue why would iTV include a HD?

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  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Mar 26, 05:18 PM
    But I agree, :apple: really should build a computer for the consumers that actually knows something about computers and are interested in the area. But I guess that would be bad business, as it would be impossible to sell parts att 200% of the normal price if that box could be opened by the user.


    It's funny because it's true. ;)

    Steve Jobs is right on the ball, though. Notice how important OpenCL has been since its introduction. It's blowing the doors off the rest of the Windows world! Now watch as Thunderchicken rules the school with exactly zero products for it! Apple has been doing a good job of being "first" in areas that don't matter one bit and being years and years behind in areas that do matter (e.g. Blu-Ray, USB3, OpenGL, etc.)

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  • CmdrLaForge
    Sep 1, 01:33 PM
    That would be really great. Even so my 20" would look small then :eek:

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  • ComputersaysNo
    Nov 27, 09:53 AM
    I bought a friend a coffee, and he gave me his old 8Gb Iphone 3G :)

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  • Peace
    Oct 23, 12:01 PM
    Battery and component shortages abound ladies and gentlemen.Have patience.

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  • dethmaShine
    May 2, 06:03 PM
    Weird. When I ask someone a yes/no question, I expect a yes/no response.

    Do you understand what I mean?

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  • MagicWok
    Nov 26, 05:04 PM
    My last purchase. Bataleon Jam 157. Can't wait for the season to get going - not long now!! :D

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 19, 11:13 AM
    So, is this the fast iMac refresh in years?

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  • maflynn
    May 2, 05:10 PM
    the iPadification of OSX continues.

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  • captmatt
    Mar 25, 03:56 PM
    Oh man---I got the iPad to get the kids off the TV. Now I'm going to have to get another TV!

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  • bloodycape
    Jul 16, 04:00 AM
    We've seen it with Betamax, MiniDisc, MemoryStick, etc. Sony doesn't play well with others, they like their own formats. Heck, take a look at the Sony DRM fiasco from last year with the rootkit CDs. Do you really trust Sony to be checking in on what Blueray discs you are playing and verifying your encryption keys on a dailybasis? There are very few features in Blueray which are consumer friendly.

    I'd beg to differ on that point. MemoryStick is actually doing pretty well in the market considering that the top three cards are SD, CF and MS stick. Granted they keep changing it but it is doing better then Beta, MiniDisc and MinisDisk HD(even though there are many die hard minidisk fans). Hell you even look at those multi memory card readers there is always support for MS stick. So it does look like Sony did something right there.

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  • MacSA
    Aug 31, 02:24 PM
    I really think it's about time the Superdrive came standard on all Apple computers, it 2006 not 1996. Hopefully the MacBook will also get Superdrive in both models.

    i love you best friend quotes. Love You Best Friend Quotes. i love you best friend quotes; i love you best friend quotes. IJ Reilly. Aug 14, 10:36 AM. Well, Digg had this two days ago.
  • Love You Best Friend Quotes. i love you best friend quotes; i love you best friend quotes. IJ Reilly. Aug 14, 10:36 AM. Well, Digg had this two days ago.

  • SciFrog
    Nov 19, 06:16 AM
    5 here at home, although the mac pro must use as much power as the four other combined...

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  • Lynxpoint
    Sep 1, 04:04 PM

    that 30" all-in-one would be something to get excited about which means it won't happen.

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  • Mr-Stabby
    Apr 12, 10:39 PM
    Some people seem to think that difficult to use = pro. Those are the people use windows because they enjoy fixing problems. Anything to save time is good for anyone, pro or not, and this interface feels like one that wont take much time to get used to. It looks well designed.

    You've hit the nail on the head there. It goes back to the old problem that some pros enjoy having something thats hard to use, because they feel clever/superior using it, knowing that others can't. Releases like this one that make a Pro program accessible to not so skilled people p*sses off these Pro users, because they want to be seen to be the clever ones, the mystical being who can work this very complicated program that no one else can. It's these type of people who come out with the 'Oh well it's not a pro program anymore, hello iMovie Pro" type comments.

    I for one am a professional video editor, and i am extremely excited by this. It's going to be so fun learning this new program! Something new to investigate is always fun. From what i've seen, it doesn't look dumbed down at all.

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  • relimw
    Sep 6, 09:13 AM
    A thread on the new mac mini where everybody is bitching about the MacBook and the new iMac G5. :confused: :rolleyes:

    As a side note, I think I'll buy a new mini now...
    LOL, you're right, we did sort of stray off topic there. :)

    Jun 22, 05:07 PM
    touch screen is usefull for mobile devices because you don't have any place to put a screen, mouse and keyboard. But desktops you have room for keyboard and mic so i don't see this happening in imacs.

    Steve said a D8, he believes that there will always be a place for desktops but a majority of our tasks will be done from tablets or mobile devices that are touch screen enabled.

    And there are just some things that require keyboard and mice! steve acknowledges that and so does the rest of the world.

    Mar 25, 03:34 PM (

    Mar 5, 09:02 PM
    Wirelessly posted (nokia e63: Mozilla/5.0 (SymbianOS/9.2; U; Series60/3.1 NokiaE63-1/100.21.110; Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 ) AppleWebKit/413 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/413)

    I've got it all running and installed, but it won't start computing! Really annoying Grr ill figure it out eventually.

    Is there an error code or something in the log?

    Jan 13, 01:38 PM
    Air = composed of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, trace gases.

    So the 4 products are

    Macbook NITRO
    Macbook OXYO
    Macbook C02
    Macbook GAS

    not to mention:

    MacBook OZONE
    MacBook CO (monoxide)
    MacBook ARGON
    MacBook METHANE
    MacBook HYDROGEN
    MacBook XENON
    MacBook NEON
    MacBook KRYPTON

    Mar 27, 04:57 AM
    Well, the US controls the AWACSThe AWACS involved are owned and operated by NATO. There may not even be US personnel on board.

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