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strongest pitbull in world

    strongest pitbull in world. strongest pitbull in world.
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  • kiljoy616
    Jun 22, 04:34 PM
    Has anyone else here used touchscreen computers? They're a pain! Verging on useless. When I had one I thought it was fun for a few minutes, then I went back to keyboard and mouse.

    I hope this isn't the start of OSX being replaced by iOS. I like my compatibility and "free" OS (not being limited to a store, being able to do things without voiding the warranty, etc).

    desktop are a pain with this, but laptops can have some functional reasons, could mean widgets on OSX will be going away and ipad iphone apps will come into play. I can only dream :(

    strongest pitbull in world. strongest pitbull in world. strongest pitbull in world. strongest pitbull in world. BoyBach. Aug 29, 03:23 PM
  • strongest pitbull in world. strongest pitbull in world. strongest pitbull in world. BoyBach. Aug 29, 03:23 PM

  • Abstract
    Nov 15, 08:02 AM
    How long before it ends up in the MacBook Pro?


    strongest pitbull in world. strongest pitbull in world.
  • strongest pitbull in world.

  • daveyjokes
    Oct 24, 06:14 AM

    are immenent!

    Midday Tuesday, the UK store has gone down for updating, im guessing MBPs...

    We all know what it looks like but i took a screenshot for the un-believers


    strongest pitbull in world. strongest pitbull in world. strongest pitbull in world. strongest pitbull in world. dumb terminal. May 6, 02:42 AM
  • strongest pitbull in world. strongest pitbull in world. strongest pitbull in world. dumb terminal. May 6, 02:42 AM

  • Kedrik
    Jan 12, 04:01 PM
    Macbook Air just leaves too many possibilities for...

    Macbook Error,

    Just think of the press on the first glitch. Yikes.

    strongest pitbull in world. Pit Bull/Pit Mix
  • Pit Bull/Pit Mix

  • cal6n
    Mar 25, 04:46 AM
    As I understand it, once the relevant files are installed, these cards don't display anything until the OS boots, but then they (or at least some of them, like the 5770, 5870 and 6870) work just fine.

    But what about rEFIt? Will that put a video signal out through DVI or DP? If that'll do the job, then I'm all over a 6870 black!

    strongest pitbull in world. strongest pitbull in world.
  • strongest pitbull in world.

  • asphalt-proof
    Sep 1, 02:08 PM

    I remember when there was speculation about a 19" iMac being released (back in the g4 days or, as I call them, the Bad Ol' Days). There were some there that totally pooh-poohed the idea and predicted it would bite into sales of Powermacs. Didn't happened. I think the 23" is a natural evolution and will buy one as soon as my wife allows me to. (been working on my wheedling and whining).

    Can't wait til the 12th.

    strongest pitbull in world. world strongest child ever
  • world strongest child ever

  • iStudentUK
    Mar 19, 06:21 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I'm very pleased about this- many countries working together following a proper UN resolution. Using air support and missiles but not troops.

    This also seems like a good example of cooporation, even though any country with a decent airforce could go it alone against Libyia right now! All sorts of countries involved, with France, UK and US doing most at the moment.

    strongest pitbull in world. strongest pitbull in world.
  • strongest pitbull in world.

  • Bubba Satori
    Apr 2, 09:24 PM
    your kidding right?


    strongest pitbull in world. strongest pitbull in world.
  • strongest pitbull in world.

  • Lepton
    Jul 18, 04:52 PM
    Apple wants to sell movies for $9.99, the studios say no, because they are greedy. Let's rent them for (I'll guess) $1.99 per view! Or (I'll guess) unlimited movies for $19.99 per month! That way, we get big bucks!

    Foolish foolish, foolish. The movies will have DRM on them. The DRM will be cracked, because ALL DRMs are cracked. So the studios end up with, instead of $10, a measly $2, because people will rent them for one view, crack the DRM, and now own the movie permanently.

    The viewer gets the movie permanently anyway, instead of getting $10, they get $2 because they are greedy, and dumb.

    Or worse, a use pays $20 for a month, downloads every ding dang movie in the store, and gets them all. Even worse, the cracked movies will be put all over the Net by frustrated viewers.

    Let Apple do it RIGHT! People will pay $10, get the movie and be legal and nice, happy viewers don't crack DRM, don't put cracked films all over the Net, and the studios make out big. Just like with music. But nooooo, greed loses every time.

    By the way I predict movies will be 16:10 (sic) widescreen and not HD, stream in like Front Row trailers, streamable in iTunes AND in Front Row, the streams will be downloadable as you watch so they will be loadable and viewable on current and new widescreen video iPods, and will be compressed to about 1GB/100 minutes.

    strongest pitbull in world. bigdog Strongest
  • bigdog Strongest

  • yg17
    Apr 11, 02:26 PM
    IMO, if a gearbox has a setting where it will automatically shift gears for you and you don't have to touch it, it's an automatic gearbox.

    Sure, some auto gearboxes (DSG) are better than others (torque converter) but they're still automatic.

    strongest pitbull in world. strongest pitbull in world.
  • strongest pitbull in world.

  • reel2reel
    Apr 12, 09:55 PM
    Here's hoping too. :)

    Yeah, very interested to see how color correction workflow changes (or stays the same).

    strongest pitbull in world. strongest pitbull in world.
  • strongest pitbull in world.

  • aLoC
    Nov 17, 12:09 PM
    FB-DIMM are likely the future... it will truly start to will shine when they make available more channels out of the memory controllers allowing bandwidth to scale and it hides memory specifics from the memory controller allowing advancements in DIMMs to remain compatible with existing systems.

    It's not the future... these kind of over-architected solutions never win. I predict CPUs, memory and memory controllers will become more tightly integrated over time, not less. FB-DIMM will be gone is a few years.

    strongest pitbull in world. strongest pitbull in world.
  • strongest pitbull in world.

  • Kranchammer
    Mar 24, 01:44 PM
    6970 folks, not 6990 :)

    Still a monster, just a smaller monster. Kinda like 6970 is to Godzukei what 6990 is to Godzilla. ;)

    strongest pitbull in world. strongest pitbull in world.
  • strongest pitbull in world.

  • jav6454
    Mar 24, 01:48 PM
    Probably a daft question but i'll ask anyhows so forgive my techie noobness!

    With the advent of thunderbolt and its high bandwidth, will it possible for a gfx card to be sited externally in some kind of cradle and be used as the main gfx card or wouldn't the internal "plumbing" allow it to happen ?

    /noob mode off


    It would be very well possible. Remember, Thunderbolt is derived from LightPeak. One of the reasons to develop LightPeak was to transmit data at very fast rates over a distance. Essentially, not have everything so closed together.

    In other words, you can the CPU in room A and the RAM in room B which is 20 feet away and get the same result. This is one of the reasons Intel developed LightPeak. There are many other reasons for development obviously.

    However, Thunderbolt in its current stage is not suited for such lengthy exchange due to its copper nature. However, say you have a GFX cradle on your desk, you could well use Thunderbolt's current implementation to feed data. However, you'd need multiple implementations of Thunderbolt in order for it to work great. Currently, many GFX solutions use PCIe 2.0 x16 interface which pretty much uses 8 GB/s bandwidth so one Thunderbolt interface will do fine and still have a nice 2GB/s overhead. However, the newer PCIe 3.0 interface pushes 16GB/s now so you'd need two Thunderbolt interfaces.

    strongest pitbull in world. strongest pitbull in world.
  • strongest pitbull in world.

  • ashoka8350
    Apr 26, 01:52 PM
    Amazon is not a generic term. It is, however, the name of a single river on planet Earth...among a few other names/uses ("the Amazon", "Amazon basin", "Amazon Women").

    Where else have you seen/heard the term Amazon in a generic sense? Some examples of a generic term are (at least have been generic over the past 75+ years):

    light bulb


    besides others !!

    strongest pitbull in world. Me and my sweet pit bull,
  • Me and my sweet pit bull,

  • cemetric
    Aug 25, 04:58 AM
    I do hope they'll ship new MacBooks in September. I've been holding off a purchase for that very reason. Anyway, new portables should ship this year... before the German government raises the VAT... :eek:

    I hope the same thing, was planning on buying one to.
    Is Germany going to raise their taxes ?? To how much 20% 21% Like in Belgium ... Way too high :rolleyes:


    strongest pitbull in world. Against pitbull editable ay na
  • Against pitbull editable ay na

  • PurrBall
    Apr 1, 03:06 PM
    Anyone else unable to print?

    strongest pitbull in world. strongest pitbull in world.
  • strongest pitbull in world.

  • ibook30
    Jul 14, 12:51 AM
    What i'm worried about is if this whole format war between HD-DVD and Blu-ray turns out to be really worthless and end up with neither format winning and instead having both supplanted by further formats. it would be like trying to put betamax up against laserdisc then having DVDs come to market :rolleyes: .

    There are great things coming though- future discs, future mass storage too. HDs may be on their way out soon enough for speed reasons. one thing i'm keeping an eye on is ferroelectric memory, which might also make HD-DVD/Bluray etc. partly obsolete as a storage format- useful primarily for video media only.

    Excellent points, and concerns. I think the format wars will be mitigated by tech companies desire to make a dollar and the markets inability to handle too many choices and price points vs. value.

    It's not impossible that the bluray/ HD DVD conflict will be supplanted by new technology - but it will become a regional issue (Asia vs Europe or N America) and/or price against value issue .. ultimately leaving the consumer with two or three choices.... no matter how fast the technology advances. "The market" is unlikely to handle more than 2 or 3 choices. (I am speaking of the consumer market - a seperate market for the technocracy will allow more choices for niche markets.... I hope)

    Let's see what happens- it'll be an interesting ride.

    On the 802.11n front- to deviate from the thread again - if Apple and other traditional tech companies do not get behind this - it will leave an opening for telecom/cable companies like Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon - all of whom are delivering faster and faster connection speeds to the (residential)consumer's front door .... Verizon's fiber optic system gives faster download and upload times than previous options, so they are creating a need for faster home networks.
    Apple is beginning to compete with telcoms for the communication dollar (iChat AV and ventures into cell phones) - so telcoms might strike back by offering machines or networking cards that work with these advancing high speed internets. I dunno.

    p.s. (Silentwave) I am reading about ferroelectric tech - and it is fascinating. Glad you mentioned it!

    strongest pitbull in world. American Pit Bull Puppies
  • American Pit Bull Puppies

  • JoeG4
    Feb 27, 04:24 PM
    Yeeup sounds about right.

    Digging that Mac Pro though! :D

    Sep 6, 03:23 PM
    Lowest line? The mini and macbook still both have slower processors than the MBP's.

    Apple's cheapest computer= Mac Mini. Also, I was comparing that to my less then 6 month old 1.83 Ghz MBP.

    Oct 23, 10:57 PM
    Can someone confirm C2D is what is needed for 64-bit instructions? I thought it has be the combination of C2D and chipset to make 64-bit instructions happen. I heard the current platform for CoreDuo was not made for 64-bit.
    The current Napa64 platform (that is, Napa with Merom as the CPU) does support 64-bit instructions. It can't address more than 4 GiB of physical memory, but it can run the faster 64-bit instructions.

    Here's the download page for the x64 drivers for Dell's Latitude D620 with Core 2 Duo:

    Jul 14, 12:41 AM
    I think is too early for either HDDVD or Blue-Ray

    I think Blu-Ray should have been out 3 years ago. There have been HD displays for reasonable price for some time now, but nothing to really use them with. 3 years ago you would probably have been right saying it's too early, but still IMHO it would have been great if Blu-Ray were released together with the G5's.

    It's so sad to think that Blu-Ray shouldn't be here now, because it is still rather expensive. Everything is, until they can produce larger volumes. Using this kind of "too early" thinking, we would have nothing ever released. How cool would that be :P

    Jan 1, 05:49 PM
    Could apple maybe announce tv shows for uk itunes? IF not does anyone have any ideas when they might be releaseing these??

    Jan 10, 09:24 PM
    can some body put as link to like a pic of a zoone

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