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    images of cats. Cats Comments, Graphics
  • Cats Comments, Graphics

    Jan 11, 07:59 PM
    added a line to the article...

    "- It will be called the MacBook Air"


    worst-name-ever. i hope that it's anything but "macbook air"

    images of cats. images of cats
  • images of cats

  • Chris Bangle
    Aug 16, 09:36 AM
    I think were well overdue for ipod update...

    Is this the longest period of time without and update.

    Shuffle is a year and 8 months old,

    nano is 11 months,

    and the 5g is 10 months.

    The thing is that the competition is able to undercut apple prices alot, i found a 2gb toshiba thing on amazon for £69 yesterday. A 2gb nano is £130, and thats alot of money for 2 tiny gigabytes.

    Back in the day 4gb cost me £130.

    images of cats. Funny Cat Pictures
  • Funny Cat Pictures

  • ZipZap
    May 3, 04:48 AM
    It seems like any time there's even a slight implication of any software being tuned to be easier to use, there's a barrage of negative comments lamenting how it's been "watered down."

    What's with all this baseless elitism?
    (Over uninstalling an app! Such a trite matter)

    I see lots of people saying they'll stick with their version, or that it's the end of whatever paradigm they had before... why? Because it's what... "harder to use?" Who is that going to impress?

    Not just for Lion, but this is exactly what happened with FCPX.

    Which direction would the evolution of software go? Harder? Of course not...

    I really wonder what the reasoning behind all this negativity is...

    I dont think this is elitism...

    Perhaps we can just say that Lion will offer a new level of refinement for a Mac OS.

    Lets hope the iOS uninstall is implemented as a real uninstall...otherwise what's the point.

    images of cats. funny cats pictures. cats in
  • funny cats pictures. cats in

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Sep 21, 04:32 PM
    Who. freaking. cares.

    Honestly, people are so worried about the principle of the matter (I shouldn't have to use a case! I shouldn't have to change how I hold it!) that they've completely missed whether it actually really makes for a worse experience. For me, it absolutely does not.

    I also still don't get how CR can give it the highest overall rating and not recommend it.

    I don't get how people can get so freaking upset over what CR has to say one way or the other. I mean they come into this thread saying they don't care, but they must to waste their time telling everyone else how much they don't care. :eek:

    images of cats. Cats Comments, Graphics
  • Cats Comments, Graphics

  • Roessnakhan
    Feb 19, 08:31 PM
    Hasn't changed too much this time around

    How do you like the Dash? Saw one on woot the other day.

    images of cats. Funny Cats Dancing Pictures
  • Funny Cats Dancing Pictures

  • Lunja
    Jan 7, 06:16 PM
    Dear Mr Jobs,

    All I want for MWSF is a new keyboard, because it's time we had some media buttons. And a paint app so that I don't have to buy Photoshop if I want to doodle something.



    images of cats. cat prison
  • cat prison

  • bluewire
    Sep 1, 02:08 PM
    So is Conroe

    I know. :) I agree with you tho, I do want a Conroe in my new iMac. Damn it, 2 more weeks. :(

    images of cats. LOL Cat that kicked off
  • LOL Cat that kicked off

  • NickK1066
    Jun 23, 09:17 AM
    iOS would need a considerable amount of additions to replace OSX.

    Currently iOS does not allow third parties to add drivers for their own attaching products to make services etc available for multiple applications.

    MIDI is one such example.

    images of cats. Cats and Lightsabers
  • Cats and Lightsabers

  • Piggie
    Mar 25, 08:11 AM
    Just realised I was being stupid yesterday.

    I forgot about the Mac Pro's

    when it said ATI 6970 I thought, Yay, finally an iMac that normal people will buy will be fitted into an iMac and make it a worthy competitor to a good spec PC.

    Then it dawned on me, I'm stupid and probably none of the upper end models will find their way into iMac's will they? :(

    images of cats. Even Basement Cat
  • Even Basement Cat

  • Cocoy
    Jan 11, 11:26 PM
    I don't see the benefit of a MacBook Slim.

    Can someone pursued me or tell me why it would be better then just having a MacBook?

    well... based on people dreaming of flash-based drives, small form factor, powerful machine... it seems to me everyone who seem to want one at the end of the day really want 2 very different devices.

    1) a notebook in the macbook form factor but with a dedicated video card or at the least an integrated video card that does great performance. this is what most people would settle for if apple ever makes one. Call it nostalgia for the 12" PB, maybe. powerful but very mobile. call it the MB for pros is what people want.

    the absence of an optical drive wouldn't be the end of the world. who uses them still in this day and age where everything from dmgs to photos to music to video to presentation are all on the internet?

    2) i think the sweet spot really is that people want something like an ultramobile machine that they can take on the go. that they can use for work stuff--- presentation, maybe run some office app. it's got to be mixed with a bit of personal stuff--- video, pictures, music and of course browse the web. it's that space above the iphone/ipod touch and below an mb. call a machine that is not just a phone, not just an ipod but more computer than the iphone and ipod touch are.

    Can the iphone/ipod touch do this now? yeah. i think with the sdk coming out it will really open the gate. because APPs is what's really missing. People want to do /more/ with the iphone/ipod touch. they want an Ultramobile Mac.

    personally, if Apple was going to make a subnote--- i'd rather they try for number 2.

    if Apple is going to make a new laptop, i hope they do something innovative like have an MB, but "do away" with the traditional keyboard and mouse. it would be the same form factor with a display and the spot where the keyboard is, but instead of a keyboard and trackpad... that space is a multi-touch or a user interface that can be reconfigured on the fly for whatever app that's active. (doesn't apple have a patent pending for tactile-multi-touch response?)

    Using Word for example? the "multitouch pad" pops out a keyboard. Doing photoshop and you get an interface similar to a wacom tablet that you can draw on. For a lack of better analogy, something right out of Star Trek's reconfigurable user interfaces. it would certainly go with the whole "air" theme. draw interfaces from the air just like magic.

    My guess is that "Air" will be something more towards greater reliance on cloud computing.

    images of cats. cat and dog2 - Funny cats
  • cat and dog2 - Funny cats

  • Benguitar
    Nov 24, 02:02 PM
    I do believe that's a gun case.

    Hm, Didn't think of that. I got it at a camera store. :rolleyes::D

    This will make airline travel more interesting.

    images of cats. When Cats Turn Into Stock
  • When Cats Turn Into Stock

  • After G
    Aug 25, 02:38 AM
    I think the 64 bitness isn't really necessary for a Mac mini. You're not going to shoehorn >4 GB of memory into two slots, unless memory manufacturers are going to change their minds which I don't think will happen just yet.

    The 20% increase in performance only applies to media and content creation. I guess that would be good for a HTPC, but Word won't run any faster. (Tt may start faster though).

    There is no reason for Yonah owners to upgrade just yet. It's really more of a nice bonus for those people who could wait until now to get a computer.

    Apple prices were lower before because the stagnant tech demanded it. For all we know, the $599 could be the maximum on Apple's profit curve.

    images of cats. Bikini Kitty Cats Clip Images
  • Bikini Kitty Cats Clip Images

  • JoeG4
    Jan 10, 08:55 PM

    Still fantastic. :D And gorgeous!

    images of cats. This is why cats and dogs are
  • This is why cats and dogs are

  • bunkre
    Sep 1, 12:23 PM I can only imagine that with 3 more inches to love!

    quote of the year right there

    images of cats. Cats
  • Cats

  • OdduWon
    Jan 2, 07:37 PM
    I really hope the iTV will stream internet radio as well as iTunes stuff..

    I can then replace my Roku with it...

    Yeah it would be cool to be able to have a "frontrow" to concerts and events thru iTV. also it wold be cool to have the ability to record sows thru the iTMS at a flat rate per episode. this could bring new content providers on board with apple.

    images of cats. The cats that
  • The cats that

  • razzmatazz
    Aug 6, 10:51 PM
    It's like hoping you get a red shiny new bike from santa on christmas morning!!

    I really hope they come out with a phone. I don't care about anything else!:rolleyes:

    How many people think that they actually will come out with a phone?:D

    The only reason they would announce a phone at WWDC is if it had OS X on it. Otherwise you won't see it till MWSF

    images of cats. Vests and Booties For Cats
  • Vests and Booties For Cats

  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 29, 09:45 AM
    Merom doesn't cost the same as Yonah! Merom costs the same now as Yonah did WHEN IT WAS RELEASED. Since then the cost has gone down and is supposed to dip lower in the coming weeks. Apple could use Yonah in the Mini and lower the price to where it used to stand.

    Nonono, Merom costs the same as Yonah's June price points which are still here even with Merom out in the wild.

    images of cats. Beware of Cats
  • Beware of Cats

  • shadowmoses
    Aug 7, 02:55 AM
    here's my assesment of the situation; a complete and reasonable roundup of what to expect at the show

    Seems like a pretty good roundup of what will happen, I would like to see the iPhone with support for VOIP via wi-fi with iChat 4 that would be really sweet......

    Can't wait WWDC is going to be great,


    images of cats. Cats love cricket
  • Cats love cricket

  • imac_japan
    Mar 18, 05:53 PM
    What people don't understand is that Apple is dying....
    Everyone is buying IBMs and if Apple doesn't do something then they are dead. I love my Macintoshes but Apple needs market share to grow !

    Apple needs customers, Apple needs to start thinking out of their little 5% market share. The Ipod was a good example but you can't keep on counting on people to buy it. For example, Apple had to make Safari due to Microsoft pulling out of the mac - this is just one example where Apple is starting to make software because companies are leaving the platform.

    We need a cheap Mac to bring in new Customers. Maybe its their first Mac experience.

    louis Fashion
    Mar 22, 06:43 PM
    We'll just see what happens. I bought the 160 not too long ago so i won't be upgrading but it's good to know it's still around. 4571 songs of uncompressed audio and counting. gotta love the classics.

    Uncompressed. That IS the key. Friends don't let friends buy compressed faux music. And play your uncompressed music with your tube amps and AR 3a speakers. Howz that for classic?

    Lord Blackadder
    Mar 1, 07:41 PM
    in germany though it means you are banned from the left lane if it takes you so long to hit 200 ;)

    Apparently the diesel Cruze tops out at 210 km/h (130ish mph); I'm somewhat surprised it goes that fast, though it has decent power and torque. My 1999 Nissan Altima manual was governed to 120mph, and although I did hit 120 in it once (:o), it had over 1500rpms left before redline, so it could probably have hit 130mph or more.

    Apr 19, 12:30 PM
    Please to have Thunderbolt.

    Wang Foolio
    Mar 25, 04:25 PM
    There's a reason why you don't see millions of people snatching up copies of Call of Duty for the Wii or handhelds. As has been mentioned before, there are tons of genres that still require the precision of a controller, or simply buttons. Something like Dragon Age is hard enough without a keyboard.

    That being said, underestimating the casual gamer market is a big mistake. I think a lot of analysts enjoyed the taste of foot after the Kinect sold a bajillion units in its first couple of months. The Penny Arcade guys were right, the sales figures are inversely proportional to the nerd rage over the idea of casual gaming on a console. Kinect was subjected to some serious hate, but is making MS a ton of money.

    Mar 19, 03:57 PM
    (Jesus, BBC reporting septics have fired 110 Tomahawks already, at $1 million each.

    Raytheon shares will be on the up soon).

    (plus the Brits have fired some)

    Nice edit. CNN was first. :p

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