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MMA Superstars relax and party!! Where were Rampage and Mir?

    "Rampage" Jackson

    Frank Mir

    MMA superstars Quinton “Rampage” Jackson and Frank Mir had a knock-out evening last night at Gallery Nightclub ( ) inside Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino. The UFC 130 fighters kicked back at their official after-fight party following their big wins for their highly anticipated match-ups. Mir looked handsome in a blue and white striped button up shirt and jeans; however, his best accessory of the night was his gorgeous wife, Jennifer. Jackson arrived to his victory celebration dressed casual in a black Reven t-shirt and jeans. Mir and Jackson sipped on Grey Goose vodka cocktails and champagne with their groups of friends. Fans tried to catch a closer glimpse of the hosts all night long, snapping photos from a distance of the athletes. The guys enjoyed themselves at the hot spot until the early morning hours.

    Mir and Jackson weren’t the only athletes enjoying last night’s party. UFC Fighter, Mike “Iron” Whitehead was enjoying the club with friends and fans was well. Also NFL stars, Lawrence Timmons of the Pittsburgh Steelers, Mike Williams of the Seattle Seahawks, Willie Parker of the Washington Redskins, Rashad Butler of the Houston Texans, Mike Sims-Walker and Marcedes Lewis of the Jacksonville Jaguars were at Gallery Nightclub as well. Also spotted were Antoine Winfield of the Minnesota Vikings, Darrelle Revis of the New York Jets, Charles Grant of the Chicago Bears and Chris Johnson of the Tennessee Titans. NBA players, Matt Barnes of the Los Angeles Lakers, Al Harrington and Kenyon Martin of the Denver Nuggets, were seen at the hot spot as well.

    Gallery is a place where all the deepest fantasies can be explored from 10 p.m. until 4 a.m. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Provocative design and alluring revelry converge to create a uniquely aesthetic nightlife experience. Oversized frames adorn the walls, showcasing original photography depicting voyeuristic imagery as a sexy backdrop for guests. State-of-the-art sound and lighting blanket every room of Gallery, where renowned DJs will spin intoxicating music until the sun rises. For more information call 702-818-3700 or visit Follow Gallery on Twitter @GalleryClubLV, or become a Facebook fan at
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