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Shoe Splurge Saturday

    Has anyone else been into Aldo lately?! They have sooooo many lovely summer shoes, I was basically bursting with excitement in-store! Here are my top picks. All of which I can't justify purchasing ;) Enjoy!

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    2. Dyle in light yellow, Aldo $100
    3. Ellington in red, Aldo $75
    4. Happer in natural, Aldo $80
    5.  Alapai in taupe, Aldo $100
    6. Heng in cognac, Aldo $60

    These shoes are all so lovely! I can't decided! haha, actually I think I'm definitely going into Aldo this morning when the mall opens to try on the Ellington. Not sure what color I'd want - they are all fabulous. Normally, I'd say BLUE in a heartbeat, but I have blue espadrilles from AE already. Maybe the red or yellow. Mmmm. Prob red? Advice????



    Tried these on in store - GORGEOUS! The yellow is more of a mustard yellow and the red is a coral red. Very comfortable to walk in. Downside: they get marked up really easy. The material is more like a suede and the yellow ones (which I like the most - in person) get scuffed pretty easy, and if your toes are even a bit dirty, they leave a easily seen toe stain on the shoes. Tres sad. I may go back for the coral/red ones (because dirt would be less visible in comparison to the mustard yellow) but I'm still thinking about it.
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