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  • Schizoid
    Apr 3, 04:38 AM
    This ad will never work. People want ads that make them feel like teenage boys. I know this from Android ads. Steel and lasers, Apple. Steel and lasers!

    Yeah, I agree... more lasers!
    How about a dinosaur with lasers for eyes mounted on a rocket-shark shouting, "queue for the iPad 2" in a metallic, robotic accent... that would be great

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  • milo
    Sep 6, 05:06 PM
    ironically, this is why Apple stock does not plummet like other computer vendors. giving buyers few options to upgrade forces people to keep upgrading the system. you know that Apple Mac users upgrade their computer more often than PC users.

    Or it encourages them to look at PC alternatives. Do you have a source on mac users upgrading more often? Among the people I know it's the other way around.

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  • yukyuklee
    Feb 24, 01:04 AM
    Here's my mbp setup.

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  • Tonsko
    Jan 11, 03:02 AM
    Re:Focus, that's a nice motor. Heard great things about the Mountune kit as well!

    Racing wise BTCC and WRC is where it's at for me. Dakar is good too, but only because I get to see about 2 minutes a year I suspect :)

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  • aznguyen316
    Sep 12, 08:39 PM
    I got Night Sky (very dark blue).

    do you have a picture? I assumed it would be dark blue but the pictures look like violet.

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 11, 10:56 PM
    It's interesting that Europeans embrace manuals, while Americans don't. Also, Europeans favor driving experience over comfort. Is this somehow related to gasoline prices?

    more it used to be manuals would get much better gas mileage over automatics and gas prices there have always been a lot higher in then in the US. This pushed manuals to become very popular over there.
    Now days there is no gain in mpg of going manual or automatic. Hell autos are starting to get better gas mileage than manuals because of computer controlled shifted and CVT. That combo is pretty much making the biggest reason why manuals took off there a non issue any more.

    Also back to the gas milage thing. Small cars/ engines also suffered a lot of power going automatic as it took way to much power over head to run it so the cars were sluggest getting off the line and picking up speed. Again that is becoming less and less of an issue. In large cars there is no big power loss in going automatic and the engines have so much to spare that is a none issue.
    So again with today automatic transmitions that take less power to run than old ones and engines that can produce more power it is less of an issue.
    Those facts above is one huge reason why autos took off here in the states. Gas prices were a lot lower and our cars were larger and had bigger engines here in the states. WHich again was because gas prices were lower.
    Manual trannies are going to be a dieing bread world wide as time goes on.

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  • codymac
    Jan 8, 12:22 PM
    my 2003 540i M Wagon. upgraded w afe intake and remus exhaust. custom catback piping + resonator delete. stock 290HP/320torque :) 92K miles. next mod is prob full aluminum radiator + electric fan. i heard the cooling system starts degrading around 100K. got the water pump (replaced OEM plastic w metal impeller) and hoses done when i first bought it
    took on a 3200mi road trip last year-- really fun on the highway and surprisingly gets good highway mileage

    Great looking wagon!

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  • Consultant
    Mar 22, 03:41 PM
    I'll buy a 220GB iPod classic. No compression win, if that happens.

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  • Fukui
    Mar 29, 12:04 AM
    I would like to see Apple come out with a headless desktop, but not have it be a direct replacement for iMac or eMac, an interim of upgradeability between the PMac line (which as for how desktop machines go, this thing is very upgrade freindly on a whole, the PMac G4's especially) and the iMac with virtually none. A machine that has a AGP slot, processor can be removed/upgraded, one HD and one optical drive bay and maybe 1 or 2 PCI-X slots would be a perfect fit upgradeability wise between they're high and low end. I beleive that if they were to do this I would price it similarly to the iMac, basicly a trade-off monitor for upgrades.. put the right spin on it and I think there's a market for a machine like this.

    I have to say this, more upgradability would definitely be needed more than lowering prices (a student can get an eMac for 699). If the eMac was easily able to change CPU/GFX Card HD and CD drive, I would even consider buying one. The thing is, apple would have a good chance to make lots of money on after-market upgrades that they are missing.

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  • Markleshark
    Sep 6, 06:48 AM
    Wow... Pleaseeeeeee let it be

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  • Canerican
    Jan 11, 09:07 PM
    Everything that Mac makes sells like hotcakes... MS should stick to their defective OS if they want to make their stakeholders happy.

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  • mc68k
    Jan 6, 05:51 PM
    We are now in 56th place!

    And mc68k should be over 10 million about now! Congrats! Happy new year :Dthats great news! it's been a while since we've been able to pass teams with ease. prob due to new enthusiastic users + the bigadv WUs

    i'll be at 8 digits, not too bad. but it's really just a #. things might be changing for me for the worse WU-wise temporarily

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  • Mike84
    Apr 26, 01:30 PM
    The general population never heard the term "App" until Apple released the iPhone.

    Nor did the general population ever shop for Apps online until Apple built the App Store.

    The abbreviation "App" used in conjunction with "store" to denote an online marketplace in which to buy applications is a unique combination that is not known in generic parlance.

    Apple will win this.

    You may be right about the general population not having used the term "App" until Apple did, but you are wrong in your argument that they will win this case. First off, "App" is short for "application" and it doesn't take a genius to figure that out. Since "App" is derived from "Application," which is a generic term, Apple cannot claim it and trademark it. Furthermore, just because they add "store" to that does not mean it is not generic. Both "App" and "Store" are generic terms. The way Apple used the term was in a very generic way.

    You cannot make a generic term into a unique term. Once it is generic it is lost to the public at large. That is pretty basic trademark law there. Apple will lose this one.

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  • msp
    Aug 7, 03:28 AM
    It will be interesting to see what tomorrow brings. A couple of notes:

    I know I personally would love better SOAP integration with XCode. We use .NET at work all the time to write web services, and we end up using .NET clients running under parallels on our macs, because keeping the SOAP proxy stub code up-to-date is automatic with have to go thru hell with Xcode. I think Apple will fill that gap with the new xcode (there were command line tools in the latest version).

    Have you tried rubyonrails? I've done some webservices for testing, and this is very slick.
    Just give it a testdrive (

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  • thejadedmonkey
    Jul 18, 09:03 AM
    [Fast downloads] would only be viable via streaming, and that won't happen because you can't stream to an iPod.

    Therefore, we can expect a big download. I imagine the movies will be the same quality as can be found currently in the store. . .
    Not ture. Apple could do a movie stream per rental, and let the CPU capture and convert it into a high-res iPod playable file. This way, after an hour or so you'll have a file playable on your iPod's lower res screen, or you can choose to watch it on the computer with a higher quality right away.

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  • lifeinhd
    Feb 26, 11:52 AM
    left to right:
    20" Apple Cinema Display, 1st Gen.

    I don't think that's a first-gen, mate. The first gens were acrylic:

    Pic of my airplane setup (I was watching one of the Back to the Future movies):

    LOVE those movies. I had the complete set on VHS, plus a fourth "behind-the-scenes" tape, but I lost the first one :(

    Btw, it was a class trip at my Jewish school (hence the going out to dinner on Pico Blvd). The kosher food in LA is AMAZING!!

    As good as NY?

    I have the same, uh, fan :p

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  • tablo13
    Sep 17, 08:08 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Do you suggest any cheap good quality silicon cases on eBay other than the one above?

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  • gkhaldi
    Oct 23, 06:57 AM
    I can bet $100 that there will be MacBook/Pro upgrades either this year or next year!

    200 bucks says you can't predict the date ;)

    EDIT = forgot the quote

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  • Benjy91
    Mar 28, 02:17 AM
    Again people saying you couldn't play with a touchscreen device without looking at it have no imagination or understanding. Definately within two years you will be shown to be horribly wrong on this point.

    You're sure about that? Considering the next Xbox isn't due for release till about 2015, and the PS4 probably later, and I'm pretty sure those systems will ship with controllers. The Kinect being an optional extra.

    And I seriously doubt the iPad will could be seen as a serious competitor to Games Consoles and PC gaming, in the same way my calculator is a competitor to my iPhone because it performs a same function, better than my iPhone does.

    Jul 19, 05:12 PM
    Great quarter for Apple!

    The introduction of the MacBook during the quarter really helped to drive Macintosh sales. The dip in desktop sales can be explained by the PowerMac (G5 processors) Once Apple releases the Intel powered PowerMac, there will be a dramatic increase in Macintosh desktop sales.

    Apple is doing very well right now and I expect Macintosh sales to really spike as we head into the holiday shopping season.

    Can anyone say increased "Market Share"?

    :D :D :D

    Nov 15, 08:01 AM
    They say that the changes in speed aren't going to effect most people because the programs aren't written for multiple cores. Do you think that we are going to see more consumer apps optimized for multiple processors, or do you think that it just isn't needed?


    Sep 6, 09:04 PM
    I just don't see the point in buying a crappy low resolution movie. I don't see who wants to watch a movie on a handheld either.

    I think a movie store should be selling movies to watch on your computer and living room television. They need at least 480p resolution, for that.

    Nov 25, 09:10 PM

    But it's a Pelican.

    Ferrari > Honda

    Pelican > Normal Eyeglasses Case

    ;) :p :D

    Couldn't you find a smaller Pelican case? I mean that's why everyone is up in your face :p

    Aug 16, 11:43 AM
    The Register has an article claiming that Apple Taiwan has come out and denied this claim.

    Read it Here (

    Source URL:
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