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Picture, Picture With the Chubby!

    On my previous post, I have share with you one of the trademarks of the 8 Waves Waterpark and Resorts - the cute chubby statues. And one of them is named as Wavee.Wavee is the big cute girl. She is so fat with a big stomach. Our group decided to have a picture with her. And here are some of what we got:
    I'm Still the Main Cast
    My Teammate Kissed the Stomach of Wavee!
    Oh How they Love Wavee!
    The Sisters of Wavee!
    I really love the fourth picture. Look at them, they look like one big happy family! Fatty sisters seem reunited! Hehehe...These were just some of the many photos we have from our recently concluded 2011 Summer Company outing. Yup, I will share more on my next posts! Have a great day everyone! c",)
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