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rihanna ear piercings what

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  • JDMFSeanP
    Jan 2, 05:10 PM
    Hybrid hunting in the 240 on the mountain roads :]

    rihanna ear piercings what. rihanna ear piercings what. second ear piercing. an ear; second ear piercing. an ear. leekohler. Apr 28, 04:04 PM. Whoa, seriously?
  • rihanna ear piercings what. second ear piercing. an ear; second ear piercing. an ear. leekohler. Apr 28, 04:04 PM. Whoa, seriously?

  • BRLawyer
    Apr 19, 02:05 PM
    Back on topic....... Supposedly, Ivy Bridge (next year?) will support USB 3. I wonder if it will be possible to have some sort of a Thunderbolt to USB 3 interface. I would hate to buy a new iMac now and not be able to take advantage of the USB 3 speed when it becomes more widely used in the next few years. Or is that not something to worry about?

    Why would you want to use a SLOWER interface in the first place? As far as ports are concerned, TB should be able to work with everything (USB, FW etc.) anyway, provided the right adapters are used...

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  • rihanna ear piercings what. Ear piercing and nose piercing; Ear piercing and nose piercing. kugino. Sep 20, 02:18 AM

  • yac_moda
    Jul 19, 06:56 PM
    So here are the plans for the future that I passed on to Apple that will make market share GO THROUGH THE ROOF :eek: :eek: :eek:

    First priority: Update Xcode to cross compile -- MacsWin.

    P2: Make a hands free iPod, voice control, voice feedback, a big screen for podcast video, communications integration or support. Demonstrate secure servers for podcasts.

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  • rihanna ear piercings what. pierced baby top ear piercings; pierced baby top ear piercings. pmz. Mar 18, 09:14 AM

  • iRobby
    Apr 19, 02:55 PM
    This is What I Wanna See:

    iMac 27" (Quad Core)
    $1,999.99 (Base)

    Mac OS X 10.7 Lion

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  • Edge100
    Sep 1, 12:29 PM
    if not, how am I supposed to convice my wife this time?:D

    It seems you can convince her of almost anything ;)

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  • rihanna ear piercings what. Rihanna#39;s new handgun tattoo; Rihanna#39;s new handgun tattoo. jacg. Jul 27, 10:12 AM. Does anyone know what the

  • fertilized-egg
    Mar 24, 11:09 AM
    For those of us with large libraries or store our music in uncompressed or at higher bit rates, the Classic is the only game in town.

    There are still some quality HDD MP3s, most notably the Cowon X7,

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  • rihanna ear piercings what. second ear piercings. second ear piercings. Lord Blackadder. Mar 23, 01:59 PM

  • Mobster Sauce
    Apr 2, 07:08 PM
    Nicely done.

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  • Peace
    Jul 19, 04:07 PM
    It would appear so. Apple's computer sales rose faster than the overall market. But, most of those sales were laptops... so the desktop marketshare is probably falling ;)

    Wait till next quarter when the MacPro line-up comes out and new iPods etc..

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  • rihanna ear piercings what.

  • Dunepilot
    Nov 15, 08:25 AM
    They're going to have to go multi-thread capable, demands on consumer software is only going to increase as we take what is cutting edge today and integrate it into everyday life.

    They're going to need every ounce of grunt they can find. Especially when HD video content becomes the norm - encoding that takes some serious brawn and consumers aren't willing to wait for their results, they don't understand the processes behind it like Pros do, consumers want it all done right now so the quicker we get software over to multi-thread aware the better.

    Yes, I hope they do start to properly multithread consumer apps, as in many ways this is overdue for Mac users (anyone remember the 533MHz dual-G4 powermac?!).

    One thing that's puzzled me for ages is the fact that the encoding speed in iTunes fell off when I switched from encoding CDs as mp3 to AAC files.

    If I'm not mistaken AAC-encoding is done on only one of my 867MHz G4 processors, not both, as was the case for mp3-encoding? I'm sure I read that somewhere.

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  • EricNau
    Dec 27, 10:38 PM
    I'm predicting a price around $400, but I'm also expecting a streaming device.
    Didn't Jobs say it would be priced at $299?

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  • RebootD
    Apr 12, 09:09 PM
    Final Cut X and 64bit whoo hoo.

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  • JRM PowerPod
    Aug 7, 04:58 AM
    I like the UK. B&O have their entire product range here, wheras they don't in Australia...

    Their store in Melbourne CBD is pretty comprehensive, i don't know what they are missing but im pretty sure they could get it for you if you wanted it

    rihanna ear piercings what. rihanna ear piercings what.
  • rihanna ear piercings what.

  • trellus
    Sep 14, 11:25 AM
    Ditto for me. I can't believe I waffled between 3GS, HTC Incredible, and iPhone 4. With 3GS 30% of my calls were dropped, with iPhone 4, 0%. Had it since July 5.

    This just goes to show you how subjective an experience this is.

    My experience with dropped calls has been the same on the 3GS and the iPhone 4 -- about 1 out of 20 calls, or 5%, are dropped, and about 40% of all calls lasting longer than 15 minutes are dropped, but this has not changed from 3GS to 4, either. In short, my reception hasn't gotten worse with the iPhone 4, but it hasn't improved, either, but in neither case am I blaming it on the iPhone, but AT&T here in Dallas. When I was on Sprint (Palm Pre and Palm Treo before that), I rarely, rarely ever had dropped calls... so I blame it on the network. =]

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  • Compile 'em all
    Apr 3, 06:31 AM
    I like.

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  • rihanna ear piercings what. Miley+cyrus+ear+piercing; Miley+cyrus+ear+piercing. mahonmeister. Oct 23, 12:35 PM. What#39;s that other program that lets you run

  • lordonuthin
    Apr 14, 12:50 AM
    What computers do you have operating to get those points? You must be an IT admin or something surely they are not your computers?

    Actually they ARE all mine along with the electric bill and heat :p I have 4 amd athlon x2 4400+ machines which don't produce vary many points, a phenom x4 9600, a phenom II x4 965 black with 3 gpu's, core i7 920 with 3 gpu's and a 2009 Mac Pro 2x2.66 cpu's running bigadv units. The gpu's are 2 x GT 260 and 4 x GTX 275. I know that is a bit of money and the power bill is quite high, but hey it's a thing to spend money on I suppose. I could spend it on my house and yard which could use it but...

    At work we have a pile of new Nehalem Dell's and IBM power 7's that I would love to fold on but I can't do that because it would interfere with the work they have to do which is bio science related as well. And well, I would lose my job... they aren't very keen on personal use of company hardware.

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  • rihanna ear piercings what. ear piercing body piercing; ear piercing body piercing. Miker2k. Jan 12, 11:53 AM

  • gikku
    Jan 2, 05:25 AM
    Leopard for G3s, please.

    An iMac with an adjustable screen height, with dual C2D chips.

    A Macbook with a proper keys on the board.

    A new low end range of desktops and notebooks with a core solo chip, for volume sales.

    Mac Mini C2D 2.33Ghz

    rihanna ear piercings what. rihanna ear piercings what.
  • rihanna ear piercings what.

  • macmax77
    Nov 29, 09:08 PM
    They own a good portion of apple if I'm not wrong....

    rihanna ear piercings what. rihanna ear piercings what.
  • rihanna ear piercings what.

  • Krizoitz
    Mar 19, 11:58 AM
    Look, you don't have to call people names....

    I just wanted to state that Apple should go on the Attack !! If it's a wombat then you should go and see Apple's situation outside of America.

    In Australia (where Im from), the market is dead ! Most Apple Stores are large and if you ive in the Country - they don't exist. The rest of Asia is like that.

    In Japan (where I live), alot of people have an Ipod but NOT a Macintosh...

    Apple needs to push the market to get more...

    I'm sorry that you felt insulted by the term, it wasn't meant to refer to you, just the petition idea.

    I have read of the problems that Apple Australia is having os you may have a point there, but from all my contacts in Japan Apple seems to be doing spectacularly well there (and always has), the Ginza store opening is a prime-example.

    Anyhow what you have to realize is that those of us in the U.S. have had to continously put up with this idea that Apple is dying in the media for a long time now, so we tend to be annoyed easier when things like this happens. At least for us, in Apple's main market it is doing great, so we really see no need to "save" Apple. Maybe a Save Apple Australia petition would help more, it sounds like the pricing is outta control.

    rihanna ear piercings what. rihanna ear piercings what.
  • rihanna ear piercings what.

  • macquariumguy
    Jan 5, 04:04 PM
    I'm still driving the NSX every day. Coming up on 6 years.

    TwinCities Dan
    Nov 25, 06:18 PM

    so true

    late entry to post of the year

    may i suggest a case for when you're out on the road

    :rolleyes: Wow, so you liked Surely's comment so much you had to pretend you came up with it? Ohhh, copykris, now I get it! :p

    Let's get back to the purchases...

    I bought 4 of these

    and some of this

    Oct 23, 08:30 PM
    hmmm - lots of stuff (santa rosa MacBook Pros of course :p ).

    Apr 9, 11:19 PM
    Yes I can, it took me only a weekend to learn.

    Overall, it's far more enjoyable to drive stick as opposed to an auto.

    Aug 16, 10:02 AM
    That is what i don't get, what is really going to be included in a wireless iPod? The only thing i could see is that it gets the ability to purchase music from iTunes or you stream internet radio or something. Also, the waste of wireless syncing to a computer. Am i missing something bigger?
    I have argued that in many posts that Apple need to introduce an iPod with a phone - iPhone or whatever it will be called. Assuming Apple have one of those more or less ready to be released, then I can see a point in both BT and WiFi.
    But wireless on a mp3 player??? That is beyond my understanding. Why not add a kitchen sink when there still at it?
    My personal guess, based on how fast cellphones with mp3 capabilities have evolved during the past year or two, is that Apple will release the mythical "iPhone" within a year. If they don't, Apple will most certainly lose a big chunk of their mp3-player market share.

    They just pulled it off their website a few minutes ago but it was a photo of the wireless iPod!

    I saved a pic of it in my cache and posted for you to see!!!

    It does iTunes and video and the screen is enormous!!

    Full screen iChat messaging is availble with the built in iSight!

    It is also in black!

    I can't wait to get my hands on one of these, looks great for watching movies.
    Hehehe...good one :D ;)

    Dont Hurt Me
    Mar 19, 05:52 PM
    I agree with your enterprise and gaming post. Apple is missing that market jxyama. consumer machines are simply poor gaming machines yet on the otherside gaming has been driving the market and that is why everyone is coming out with gaming machines. even Dell and gateway are getting into the act but those are the ugliest things I have ever seen. to many years on a mac i guess. Alienware's Aurora is a very interesting machine to say the least.

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