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And We're Back

    So, after a month long holiday from blogging we are back, refreshed and full of reviews, interviews and a couple of other bits and pieces relating to books.

    May was a really good month for me when it came to reading books.  I managed to read a total of 15 books this month.  So that is super exciting.  I'm hoping to read just as many in June but we'll see.

    Now, it is time to announce the winner of our May contest.  So congratulations go to:


    Congrats and I shall be emailing you very soon.

    Now on to the contest we are holding for June.

    This month the winner will get to choose a book of up to £7 value from the Book Depository.
    Must be over 13 years old to enter.
    Open anywhere the Book Depository ships to (You can check here)
    Entries close midnight 30 June 2011 NZST
    Winner will be announced 1 July 2011
    To make this one a little more interesting, for every new comment you leave on ANY review (new or old) you can have a +1 entry.  (One comment per review though)

    Click here to fill in the form to enter this months contest.

    So, good luck to everyone :)Source URL:
    Visit free image for daily updated images of art collection

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