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Currently I'm...

    I saw this at Khy of The Frenetic Reader's blog who in turn got it from Jordyn of Ten Cent Notes and so I decided to do it because it looks like fun.

    Current Book: The Last Days by Scott Westerfeld, Ladystar: The Dreamspeaker by W. Scott, The Summoner by Layton Green and Zombies vs. Unicorns.

    Current Playlist: Usually I listen to a playlist made up of HIM, The Rasmus and The 69 Eyes.  Lately however, I have been listening to Sophie Ellis-Bextor and in particular these two songs.  Here and here.

    Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure: To be honest, right now, my love of the novels of Heather Graham; just because they are the little mass market paperbacks that Harlequin makes and I never ever thought I would read any of 'those' types of books.  But Heather Graham is amazing with her Harrison Investigation series and her Krewe of Hunters series.

    Current Color: Green (which it pretty much always is)

    Current Drink: Coca-cola, and I wouldn't have it any other way

    Current Food: A packet of chocolate biscuits (Yep, I'm definitely health conscious alright)

    Current Favorite Show: Fringe but also Big Bang Theory I just love them both.

    Current Wishlist: At the moment I just wish I had my car back.  (Has been getting rust repairs for almost two months now!)

    Current Needs: To do my three statistics assignments and two philosophy essays this week.  Also to finish The Last Days by Scott Westerfeld (I love Scott Westerfeld but I'm just having trouble getting through this one).

    Current Bane of My Existence: My amazing skill at procrastination.  Not a good thing.

    Current Celebrity Girl-Crush: Ummmmmm maybe Sophie Ellis-Bextor because her songs are so catchy!

    Current Outfit: A checkered shirt, black pants and my hoodie shoes, which are the coolest shoes ever.  Even cooler than crocs which I loved.

    Current Excitement: That I have a month off in two weeks time.

    Current Link: Hmmmmm Goodreads because I am always on it 24/7.  Friend me if you like, I am always updating :)

    Just as an additional, since this is a currently thing.  I love how I am currently on a blog break for the month of May but I just keep posting things.  That's alright, all systems are go to starting up again tomorrow so I guess I just came back a couple of days earlier.Source URL:
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