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  • iNotion
    May 4, 08:49 PM
    i am not that concerned on the "location-gate".

    But the Battery Improvement sure lights up my eyes.

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  • jeff1977
    Apr 10, 09:23 PM
    $29.99! :)

    $39.99 on smartcover.

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  • NeroAZ
    Dec 7, 11:21 AM
    Oh how nice, instead of AT&T doing the work themselves they are having us do it for free.

    **** you AT&T

    Since you are the one having the problem, submit the report. they can send technicians all over the country and they may not experience problems in the same areas, but if you can pinpoint it for them it may be easier for them to fix the issue.

    its especially nice since it pinpoints the spot on a map for them. there are spots that i sometimes have issues, but say 500 feet away its fine. not saying we'll see improvements overnight, but definitely a step in the right direction as far as I'm concerned.

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  • OdduWon
    Oct 22, 10:00 AM
    im wondering, if it is that big of a screen and that slim, how long can the battery last?
    eah thats why the back is a giant solar panel :cool:

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  • gcby30
    Mar 24, 11:58 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I love it when Google/Samsung/Sony/Motorola employees create new MacRumors accounts (join date Mar 2011) just to try to propagate garbage like this. Obviously trying to start a new antennagate. If you can't beat them in sales, try to start some bogus stories in the blogs and hope the media picks up on it. :rolleyes:

    THIS JUST IN: My iPad 2 is absolutely fine and its in my hands right now. Anybody else who really has one complaining?

    So ridiculous dude. Just embarassing. Do you really think anyone has the time or desire?

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  • jsf8x
    Jan 9, 09:08 PM
    On my iMac

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  • vniow
    Aug 7, 04:51 PM
    Camille ( will ( certainly ( be ( happy. (

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  • AlBDamned
    Sep 9, 05:05 AM
    And Jones is out already! 350 is looking more and more like a target to aim for. As for the food/drinks I think that they still get stuck into whatever they want. I seem to remember Flintoff saying he was eating loads of crisps to calm his nerves at the end of one of the tests!

    Edit to add: also Warne said this (I'm sure with some sarcasm) about his performance yesterday "It shows what a fit athlete can do". I'm sure some of you remember him storming out of a press conference when he was called fat :D

    We didn't want to lose Jones so early, they need to play real smart now to stay in for a couple of hours. 350 is deffo realistic.

    BBC report said Warne 'quipped' about 'what a fit athlete can do' so sarcasm was there. Pretty funny. He's hardly a marathon runner but to bowl as much as he does still takes it out of you, though I don't think he could be a pace bowler. It's funny how close 'fit' and 'fat' are in written terms :D

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  • QCassidy352
    Apr 4, 09:49 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Love my Android... Sorry Apple, but I can't afford the iPhone.

    That sounds a little funny coming from a guy with a brand new high end mbp and iPad 2 in his sig...

    Anyway, this is interesting. Seems like apple and google are almost not competing. The people who want an iPhone get an iPhone. The people who don't choose among the other options, and google is winning that battle by a lot.

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  • R.Perez
    Mar 16, 04:34 AM
    Most people wouldn't steal food here, but if violent hoarding can be considered 'looting', then I would say the possibility is high under similar circumstances. By 'violent hoarding' I mean disrespecting one-per-customer policies and cutting in lines with daddy's shotgun on the back. People here are easily freaked out by the crisis-loving media (don't get me started about the swine flu in 2009), and we have very liberal laws on firearms compared to the rest of Europe.

    That sounds pretty minor compared to the US. Might I suggest a visit to LA, Chacago, NYC or large southern city so you can get a sense what goes on here?

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  • OdduWon
    Oct 22, 10:00 AM
    im wondering, if it is that big of a screen and that slim, how long can the battery last?
    eah thats why the back is a giant solar panel :cool:

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  • Eraserhead
    Dec 3, 07:02 AM
    You're going to want to install Flip 4 Mac or whatever it's called. Plays windows media within QT shell.

    *Slaps hand on head*

    I hadn't installed Flip4Mac yet.
    Thanks :)

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  • baryon
    Apr 13, 02:28 PM
    No one but me seems to be worried that the viewer is essentially dead. I'll be very interested to see how actual editing works on this thing -- none of this addresses the process of selecting a clip, setting ins and outs, and getting it onto the timeline. All of this is about stuff that's already on the timeline, and that's where Apple seems to be suggesting you do the majority of your editing.

    There is only one "viewer" now, which swaps between showing the timeline or editing clips. In the left side panel, you can choose clips, and they appear in the single viewer. Then when you drag them into the timeline, the viewer switches to timeline playback.

    I think that this makes a lot of sense, as you would not use the viewer and the timeline playback at the same time anyway, so why not let it switch automatically between then two, saving space.

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  • buffalo
    Jan 17, 09:17 PM
    I'm hoping that the special event will announce iLife and iWork '07, plus Leopard. It might be just an announcement, with the actual shipping date sometime mid-February, but it would help steal the thunder from Vista.

    What makes you think something will happen on the 30th?

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  • twoodcc
    Mar 28, 05:44 PM
    well at least they are updating it....

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  • gugy
    Nov 2, 06:21 PM
    I hope this is true. I hate Cingular. Crappy service.
    If iPhone comes is either Apple has their own service, or iPhone will be available for all carriers.
    I was so scary by the original rumor that Cingular had the exclusivity for the iPhone. Glad is not the case anymore.

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  • ~Shard~
    Jan 9, 10:29 PM
    I'm not surprised, they are probably holding off, so that way when they release iWork/iLife it will be to fanfare rather then just a mediocre entry after the grandiose iPhone.

    Possibly. But to warrant a special release on its own, that would imply that there should be somewhat major enhancements and improvements to both suites. iWork I can see, if a spreadsheet application is indeed added, however what significant updates would we really see in iLife? I guess time will tell.

    I still wonder if certain iLife/iWork functionality/enhancements will have something to do with interfacing with elements of Leopard, thereby dictating a release in tandem. This would alienate non-Leopard users, who then couldn't reap the benefits of the new suites, however would also encourage sales of the new OS for that very reason, as well as perhaps take advantage of some powerful new technologies. :cool:

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  • smithrh
    Apr 11, 03:37 PM
    You don't have depth perception?

    Quite a few people don't have good depth perception, or none at all.

    People with unequal strength eyes will oftentimes grow up without much depth perception, to no ill effect.

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  • spacemanspifff
    Apr 26, 03:42 PM
    The white iPhone is the "Good" model it only allows you to listen to nice tinkly music and play non-violent games and it will not record your location in a hidden file without your knowledge... unlike the "Evil" dark lord black iPhone, which knows where you live and is even now plotting your untimely demise - allegedly.

    Bubba Satori
    Apr 12, 04:01 PM
    Only question. Why?

    Some say Apple need to buy Netflix. Have those of you even considered what Netflix charges for monthly streaming?


    Apple will never let customers eat that much for so little. The day Apple buys Netflix, DVDs would stop, and streaming would go up to $30 a month.


    Bingo. One trillion in the bank. Magic.

    Jan 2, 11:33 PM
    Winter by Space

    I had that wallpaper (still do). Beautiful, isn't it?

    Apr 18, 09:42 AM
    That's a shame... maybe take some classes on FCP and you'll be happier.Did you post this problem here when it occurred? Dude next time ask around so we can all try and help you.
    Ive been teaching FCP for 8 years now (basic to mid-level) and there are others here that are very experienced too :)

    Apr 12, 04:07 AM
    Can we get some MAC rumors this is absolutely ridiculous, the mac mini and iMac are over due for updates and you still prune the web for the smallest hint about a product that has just been re-released.

    I realize your trying to generate traffic but this is getting increasingly low.

    The front page is filled with iOS information and a little on FCP and the new Adobe suite.

    Where are the MAC rumors. :mad:

    Jul 16, 09:13 AM

    I hope ms. jobs reads ya'll for life. She's fierce.

    Two snaps up!

    can't wait!


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